Chapter Twenty-Seven: Back To Reality

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y/n's PoV:

He grounds you - Every second with his attention on you brings you back to reality. Slowly, but surely, you feel okay again. Your freak out epiphany moment has passed.

y/n sighs: Sorry...

Pierre smiles: Don't apologise - I get it.

You sigh.

y/n: I hate lying to him. I can't hold stuff in for long.

Pierre: I know.

Sometimes you justify yourself to Pierre, only to realise he knows that part of you already, because he's seen it develop, or be around for years on end.

y/n hesitantly: And I actually kind of want this.

Pierre: This? Say it.

y/n quietly: I want to give You and Me a shot.

Pierre smiles: And we will - We are.

You nod.

y/n: Yeah, and that's exactly what freaks me out if I'm honest.

Pierre gently: Y/n, I'm stressing out too. It's understandable.

y/n: You are?

Pierre chuckles: Of course I am!

y/n: I dunno, you always play it cool, as if you couldn't care any less, about the fact that he's my brother, and your best friend.

Pierre: If you, a hot-headed woman, freaks out, I have to stay calm, don't I?

You laugh softly. He glides his hands down your back, strategically wrapping you up.

y/n: Yeah, maybe you do...

Pierre: But believe me ma chérie, I freak out every time. I don't want him being mad at you, I couldn't care any less about myself, if he's mad, oh well he'll forgive me, but him being mad at you? I can't stand it.

He pauses for a moment.

Pierre: That's why I keep bugging you to forgive him - For you to fix it. The two of you fight, but you love each other nonetheless.

Why is he so right? You sigh softly, leaning your head against his shoulder.

Pierre: And I know you love Charles more than you do Arthur or Lorenzo... So fix it with him now, and the rest - The whole Us thing - We will figure out together.

y/n nods: Yeah...

He holds you tightly - For a moment or so all your worries about the situation vanish into thin air. It's genuinely absurd how there's just been a switch in terms of how you see him. How you perceive him and his actions. How his presence affects you.

All of that within a handful of days - Should you have given him a shot when you were younger? Would all of this unnecessary hating just not occurred, if you would've given him a chance? Would the two of you have become friends? Lovers even?

Who knows. You pull him in for a soft, slow kiss.


Charles' PoV:

She texts you that she's in front of your room. You get up from the balcony, to open the door for her. She's wearing her oversized Colorado hoodie that she stole from Lorenzo when she was younger, and her hair is still a bit wet.

Charles: You're gonna catch a cold like that...

y/n: I know, I know...

Charles: So why didn't you blow dry your hair if you know?

y/n sighs: I tried coming over here as fast as I could, so my appearance and the state of my hair wasn't quite the first priority.

Charles grins: Yeah, I see that...

You step out onto the small balcony, she follows you. At least it's warm outside, so it's no big deal. You pull up the second chair for her to sit on.

Her hair moves to the side a bit, exposing her hickies. You extend your sigh, as a form of keeping everything in; To be honest you don't even know where to start, or what you should say.

She leans back in her seat, closing her eyes for a moment.

y/n: I love the weather here...

You smile - Okay, the weather as a conversation topic it is then.

Charles: Same. It's nice.

y/n: I bet you don't like that it's cold in the evenings though...

Charles chuckles: I don't... That's more your thing.

y/n smiles: The cold is just more comfortable.

Charles: It really isn't.

y/n: But it is... I mean just think - Blankets, fire places, warm socks, big hoodies, rain, all of it is just so much better than it being way too warm and for you to get a sunburn...

Charles: You're unsavable in this regard - We live on the coast, and all you think about is colder climates - I don't know how you wanted to go to Melbourne.

y/n: Well, sure, it would've been warm...

Charles: WARM? Y/n! You would've melted.

y/n laughs: Alright, alright... Maybe, but at least I would be at my internship, you know?

Something up with her today - If you ignore the previous snappiness - She seems happy, somehow, very relaxed.

Charles: Yeah... Uhm... Would you have really thrown the chance for that uni course away over me acting ridiculously stupid?

She shrugs, as if it doesn't mean anything to her.

y/n: I mean... It's not a one-shot-only type of thing. I could apply the year afterwards too. So, I don't know, I said it more because I needed leverage.

You chuckle - At least she's being honest.

Charles: I'm sorry that I yelled at you like that - It wasn't my place to do so, I'm not Dad-

Both of you sit in silence, after you mention your Father.

y/n whispers: Thank you.

You nod.

y/n carefully: And I shouldn't have stormed off like that once we got to the paddock.

Charles smiles: Thanks...

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now