Chapter Thirty-Five: I Called You A Race Horse

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Pierre's PoV:

You knock on her door and she opens it; Instead of a bright smile, you're greeted with a disappointed frown. You slip into her room, swiftly closing the door behind you.

Pierre surprised: Woah, what's up with you?

She sighs, as she gives you a short kiss. When her lips peel back from yours, you pull her back to you. You need a proper kiss, and if she's annoyed by something, she deserves a proper hug and a good kiss.

You wrap your arms around her, while you softly kiss her. After a few seconds you release her from your grip.

Pierre: So? What's the matter?

y/n disappointed: I prefer if no one bets on me.

The blood in your veins freezes.

Pierre confused: How do you even-?

y/n sighs: It doesn't matter how, I just know. Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?

You nod slowly.

Pierre confused: You're not mad at me though? Right?

She shakes her head slowly, and a wave of relief washes away your anxiety. She drops down onto her bed. You join her.

y/n disappointed: For fucks sake... Was Char high? Drunk? On fucking crack? Did he get whacked in the brain by something? Give me something to know he's not actually at fault.

You chuckle.

Pierre: I wish. That would at least explain it, but he was sober... Just... A little... Crazy?

y/n: Baby, he legit yelled at me, because he was concerned I had spent the night with someone. He legit yanked you, when he thought you had done something with me. He walked me to my room every night, because he was so concerned about the big, bad world hurting his little sister, or tricking her.

You nod.

y/n annoyed: And now he's betting on me!? Like you can't tell me that was Charles? What's wrong with him? Betting on me? What am I?

Pierre chuckles: I called you a race horse...

You earn a scolding glance.

Pierre: Figuratively, of course ma chérie.

y/n annoyed: Fine! Figuratively, I'm race horse in my brother's eyes then!

She jumps up and starts pacing back and forth again.

y/n: And Lando? What the actual fuck!? I don't even know him!? Barely, at least!

Pierre: Well, I guess that one time you flirted with him was enough for him... And your DM...

y/n confused: How do you even know about it?

You shrug.

y/n sighs: Oh yeah, I remember, the four of you talked shit about me, so sure, my DM got thrown into the conversation. I just wished him good luck Pierre, this was way before-

Pierre nods: I know the timeline, you don't need to justify yourself.

She sighs, before sitting back down again.

y/n: Both of them are fucking idiots.

You nod yet again; She wraps her arms around you, pressing a soft kiss onto your cheek.

y/n whispers: Thank you for defending me mon chérie. It actually means the world to me.

You hug her a little tighter when she says that; You've got her.

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now