Chapter Seventy-Eight: Waiting?

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Charles' PoV:

y/n quietly: Just trust me on this, he won't.

Charles concerned: How do you know?

y/n quietly: Because he's wanted what we have now for a while, and he's got plans for the future.

You just stare off into space, unable to process what she just said.

Charles calmly: What?

y/n: He's been waiting for me, Charles. He's more than serious about me, and about what we have right now.

The chunk in the back of your throat expands, making you feel even more uncomfortable than you did before; Why is that unsettling to think about?

Charles slowly: He's been waiting for you?

You don't even know what to say. She nods softly, as she inhales and exhales noticeably.

y/n slowly: So believe me when I say, he's serious about me.

Charles hesitantly: Are you serious about him?

She stares at you for a couple of seconds, before giving you a single nod.

That's all you get - A single nod; Not the no you hoped for.

She might as well just shoot you now... A bullet wound might be less painful.

Charles: So none of my oppositions have meant a single thing to you?

y/n sighs: Except for guilt-tripping me, no, not really.

You swallow harshly. Fucking hell.

Charles quietly: Uhm-

y/n softly: I am genuinely sorry for being with your best friend, but it just kind of happened. When I started in the paddock I intended on dodging him, like I did all my life, but that just didn't happen. There was another plan for Us.

Charles: Ehm...

y/n: But I think that you hating me, and Mom being mad at me, is torture and punishment enough. Your little stunt with Lando was also some sort of punishment, okay? I want to get through this, and be done with this fight.

Charles nods: Uh-huh.

You don't hate her - You want to keep her safe and happy. Before you can tell her that though, she continues.

y/n quietly: So I'm guessing by your expression that you're still not okay with any of this, hmm?

Charles sighs: I don't know y/n. Not really, no. I still want you to break up with him.

You start the engine.

y/n quietly: So this is the end of us talking about this right now? You just turn on the engine and the conversation is over?

Charles sighs: Something like that, yeah.

You leave the parking spot, heading back out onto one of the main streets. Y/n has turned away from you, her knees pointing towards the door, while she's looking out of the window. She still hasn't touched the croissant.

The two of you made good progress - At least you think so, but you couldn't continue any further. You've reached your max for the day, and it was enough.

You check the mirrors to merge into a lane. She exhales deeply, while you see her reflection in the mirror; A tear is running down her face. She silently wipes it away.

The drive back is painstakingly long; Every light is red, the silence is lethal and her quiet sniffs are killing you. If you could go back, and change the way you ended the conversation, you would.

It's pretty clear that your nerves are fried right now; You can't handle much with her.

When you arrive, she opens the door, slowly getting out. Y/n doesn't look or acknowledge you.

Charles: I love you.

She glances at you, giving you a "Are you sure?" type of look, before closing the door. You watch her return to the hotel; The doors to the lobby are opened for her, and she rushes inside.

Charles whispers: Fuck man.

Why does the progress you made not make you feel any better? You still feel like a major piece of shit. You mean well. Why can't she see that?

You lean your head against the steering wheel - This will take a moment to process.

He's been waiting for her.

He wants a future with her.

What the actual fuck?

That can't be real - His track record just doesn't back up either one of those statements. You sigh, as you call your big brother. Lorenzo picks up:

Lorenzo: Hey man, what's up?

Charles: I need you to tell me how bad I've fucked up with y/n.

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now