Chapter 10: Welcome News

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When the batmobile came to a stop on the parking platform in the cave, Batman released the canopy and climbed out.

"Alfred?" Bruce called, taking off his cowl. "It's not like him to be absent."

"He's probably dealing with the guests," Harley said, shaking out her blonde hair after having it pressed down inside her own cowl.

"What guests?" Bruce queried.

"The ones he and I invited to the party," she replied.

"You planned a party?" Bruce asked.

"You need to loosen up and not be so tightly wound up all the time," Harley suggested.

"That's what I have you for," Bruce told her with a slight smile. "You're the sparkling stars in the dark sky that is me."

"If I still had the physical capability, I'd be blushing," Harley replied with a grin that matched his. "We should probably hurry if we don't want to be late for our own party."

The two of them quickly changed out of their crime fighting gear and into the formal attire they had stashed with an assortment of casual clothing in the lockers.


Harley's arms were encased in a second skin of red satin to the midpoint of each bicep, and ruby earrings in four pointed diamond shapes sparkled in the light of the overhead lamps. A matching pin was clipped in her hair on the left side.

As she slipped into a pair of black stilettos, Harley caught sight of Bruce in the mirror in front of her. He had on an immaculate tuxedo with a flawless white shirt and a black silk bow tie. Harley whistled in appreciation.

"Can you give a girl a hand?" she asked, turning slightly to reveal the zipper down the spine of her floor length red dress was still undone. With Harley's flexibility, she could've easily dealt with the zipper herself, but she knew it was sometimes better to ask for assistance.

As Bruce stood behind her, she could feel his eyes on the milk white skin of her back. He placed a hand on her shoulder, and she had to fight to stand still and keep the electric thrill of his touch from showing. She pulled her hair out of the way as he drew the zipper up to the nape of her neck. Spinning in place, her long dress swirling about her, Harley took his hand and held it as she curtsied.

"Thank you, kind sir," she said.

Bruce bowed slightly at the waist. "A pleasure, my lady. Shall we go?"

Bruce offered her his elbow. Entwining her arm with his, she allowed him to escort her from the cave to the grand ballroom where the party guests awaited.


Harley watched as Bruce looked over the crowded ballroom. Sconces, holding lights resembling flickering candles, were positioned at evenly spaced distances along the walls and between the multiple pairs of glass doors leading out onto the back terrace. Curtains of rich crimson framed the doors but had been pulled back and secured with golden ropes, and the darkness outside made the interior brightness and colors appear all the more vivid by comparison.

Dressed in silk and satin of nearly every shade, the crowd was as dazzling as the crystal chandelier sparkling above them. Gems glittered from the necklaces and pendants worn by the women, and flashing accents of golden tie clasps and cufflinks added a touch of brilliance to the men.

"Is this the surprise?" he questioned.

"Nope," Harley denied. She pointed toward Alfred approaching with a silver serving tray. Sitting atop the gleaming tray was a square box perfectly wrapped in reflective silver paper and tied with a bow of iridescent ribbon. "That's the surprise."

The crowds moved for Alfred similar to waves being parted by the prow of a boat only to flow back together in his wake.

"Well, are you going to open it?" Harley insisted when the package was delivered. She was barely able to stand still.

Bruce untied the bow and peeled back the paper. Opening the cardboard box within, he found a nest of shredded papers cushioning a white coffee mug. Taking the mug by the handle, he freed it from the box, and his eyes went wide as he read the bold black letters on the side of the mug. His gaze flicked toward Harley, and she nodded emphatically, her smile unrestrained.

"What is it?" someone in the crowd called out.

Bruce held the mug aloft as he proclaimed loudly enough for all to hear, "It says World's Greatest Dad. Harley and I are going to be parents."

The room exploded into cheers and applause, but Harley wasn't paying attention because Bruce wrapped his strong arms around her, lifting her from the floor and spinning in slow circles, both of them laughing with delight.

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