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𝖡𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗅𝗅𝖾 𝖺𝗇𝗂𝗒𝖺𝗁 𝗃𝗈𝗁𝗇𝗌𝗈𝗇
so today is the day we go see my dad . and i'm excited because we haven't seen him in a while since he was in the hospital .

i called up my cousins and let them know that we are on our way to the hospital cause we needed everyone to be there .

"did you text everyone?" my stepmom said packing up our stuff and grabbing journi .

"uh yeah i did." i said walking towards the car .

"alright so we are gonna go to the hospital then we gonna go out to eat and shop because you have school soon" she said .

i hope i'm going to an actual school and not no damn homeschooled bullshit .

"y'all still homeschooling me ?" i asked looking at her .

"girl no , take yo ass to a building and i'll pick you up after . if you join anything lmk" she said rubbing my back .

i looked back at journi and she was already asleep , CAR AINT EVEN MOVE YET YALL!

"sleepy head" i said laughing, then we drove off and headed towards the hospital .

"so what's up with you and ezra?" she said driving .

"honestly mama , i don't miss him , i think i'm just complicated" i said looking at my ipad and drawing .

"unt unt . if you don't want nothing to do with him , you need to let him be ." she said strictly .


"no buts brielle . i don't need no little nigga coming to the house after he HIT YOU and cussed you out then wanna come back like shit is sweet?" she said looking at me as we pulled up to a red light .

"i get it but still!" i said looking at her .

"no no no . you don't get it , if he's comfortable doing that and coming back acting like you guys are ok"

"what would happen if we not there ?" she continued .

"i don't need no one calling me telling me my baby is in the hospital cause some bitch of a boy is putting his hands on you" she looked away and then pulled off .

i hear you . i do .

"yes mama i understand" i said sighing .

the car ride was a bit silent , the only thing saving us rn was the music on the radio . i had to think about what she said honestly . cause she was right ..i just don't wanna admit it rn .

we made it to the hospital and grabbed our stuff to go in there .

after a 30 min wait because the lady in the front was being a bitch! we finally made it to his room and everyone and they mama was there ..even my mom .

"oh ." i said putting my stuff down .

"COUSSS!" lynn and don said coming to give me a hug .

"hey y'all" i said laughing and hugging them back"

i waved at my mom and went to go see my dad , he looked like he lost some damn weight his chucky self .

"hey pops" i said holding his hand and smiling .

"see , i told you ima gangster" he said laughing .

my dad has always been apart of gangs and shit but we never had to be in the hospital because of it , it brought us money and food and all the necessities that we needed .

"hey bri let me talk to you right quick" my mom said .

"uh ok" i said awkwardly .

"mama , dad i'll be back" i said giving my dad a kiss on the forehead and walked out with her .

we walked out his room and i closed the door , there we was , standing in the hallway .

"mama?" she said sarcastically .


"you called her mama.. what else you be calling her ? mom? mommy?"

"what is the real reason you pulled me out here ? to interrogate me or to talk?" i said crossing my arms .

"ok listen . one , i'm your mom . i don't give 5 fucks about any other bitch in your life that's one , 2 , you knew better than to leave the house that night . i should have beat your ass" she said rolling her eyes .

the door opened and my stepmom came out with her arms crossed .

"one, this bitch that's in her life is here for the good and the bad , so ima be here for a while . 2 , brielle is a beautiful , bright , wonderful and passionate girl . she don't need you in her ear being a manipulative gaslight piece of thing" she said holding me close to her .

omg wait ! not she ate her upp!

"you need to stay in your place cause you not her mom" my mom said .

"i've been more of a mom than you'd ever be . i don't ever wanna have to replace a mother because that's not why im here but you've given me no choice but to take her under my wing" my stepmom said .

"and she's not lying . you've never been here for me . you don't even remember the little things about me . im fine where i am ." i said looking at her .

i saw my mom wipe her face and she grabbed her things and left . i felt bad but then again , there's nothing i can do about it if it's the truth yk .

we went back in the room and i set down my things , sat next to my cousins and we laughed about the small stuff and we all just connected as a family .

after a while , my cousins left and we were spending the night with my dad . i sat beside the window the faced the city and i took a photo of it .

"alright y'all , i'm tired" my dad said laughing .

"alr dad we will be here , goodnight i love you" i said plugging in my phone and sitting on the chair .

i pulled the car back and grabbed my pillow and blanket while my stepmom and journi slept in the other room that's inside the hospital room .

i dozed off for a while and felt my phone vibrate , i looked at the message and locked it and went back to sleep .

Ezra .🖕🏽
yo . i'm trynna make shit work out
txt me when you can
i miss my girl
i love you ma .

let me know in the comments !
love y'all!💓

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