20.You Have My Attension💫

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"I believe we have a problem."

Zyair said as he addressed members of the League of Werewolf Assasins at their monthly meeting.

"And what problem would that be?"

Kolten asked as he wondered what could be so important that Zyair needed to gather the top ten assassins in one place. Two assassins in the same place were dangerous, but 10 was near the Acropolis.

"We have a rouge assassin, codename: Huntress."

And with that statement, the entire room fell silent in disbelief. The repetition of the Huntress was well known in their world, and if she had gone rogue, that spelled disaster for them. It was easy for them to bury her with their secrets than to allow her to live with intimate knowledge of the organization. But what was even worse, was that Huntress was the best asset the organization had.

"How fuck did that happen?"

Kolten, the second in command of the League of Assasins inquired, as Zyair walked around the room thinking. There was only one reason why Alpha Atlas would spare an assassin. And the only reason he could think of.

"Have you ever heard of the term werewolves used for the people they love? They call them their mates. I believe that maybe, Huntress is the mate of the Alpha."

Zyair said as Kolten couldn't believe what he was hearing. All the other assassins present started swearing and using obscene language at the very thought.


Kolten said in anguish. He had trained Huntress, hell half of the people here have had a hand in molding that young woman to be the kickass killing machine that she was.

"So what are we going to do to solve this problem?"

Zyair asked as Kolten smirked at him.

"There is only one thing we can do to effectively solve this problem, eliminate it. Activate the tracker. Mark my word, by this time tomorrow, the pack shall be no more."


"Octavia, I'm not comfortable with the idea of you and Luna-Mia leaving the pack grounds unprotected. And I don't like you so close to the water. Twice, I had to save your ass from drowning, twice. Do you even know how to swim?"

Atlas asked as he put up to fingers while facing her in their bedroom. He was sitting on their bed, while he watched her ruffling through her closet to find clothes suitable for whale watching. Loius Vitton and water don't mix.

Octavia ignored him and took out a white summer dress, with a big red bow. She wanted to look like a tourist. (Which in truth and fact she was). She chuckled as she remembered what he grandma used to call persons like her: Dry-land Tourist.

She put on the dress, that fell knee length, and fit her to perfection. It complimented her small waist, then it ballooned out like a dress from the 60s. She felt as if she was a modern-day Marilyn Munroe.

Her dark hair cascaded down her shoulders, giving her the appearance of some nymph, completely out of place among, yet somehow perfectly suited. It was a paradox, as many things regarding himself and Octavia were.

"I don't know how to swim, but that didn't stop me from seeing the Beluga whales. Besides, this is very much an educational journey for me. They are one of the rarest and most endangered species on the planet. I also want to attend the Moon Dance International Film Festival."

Octavia said as Atlas looked at her as if she had grown two heads.

"When did you even have the time to learn about our community."

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