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Rewritten ✔
Edited ✘

Pebblepaw was still in awe from how big the great rock was. Yeah, the four oak trees were huge as well, but she'd seen taller trees. This rock was the biggest rock she had ever seen, and all the leaders got to stand on it every full moon.

"Hey, Otterstar finally decided to join us, I see!" a voice boomed from on top of the rock. Pebblepaw hadn't noticed the cats up there when looking before, she realized.

"Who's that?" she whispered, leaning over to Shadeheart.

"That's Reedstar," Shadeheart responded.

"Right! I remember you talking about him," Pebblepaw said. The calico next to Reedstar was Maplestar, and next to her was Cloudstar.

"Shadepaw!" Pebblepaw snapped her head to her right. Bounding over to them was a light tortoiseshell-and-white cat. Her eyes glowed green-- greener than any eyes Pebblepaw had seen. "Shadepaw, me and Rooky got our warrior names!"

Another cat stepped out from behind the she-cat. "I told you not to call me Rooky, Dewy," he said.

"If you call me Dewy, I get to call you Rooky!" the tortoiseshell yelled, pouncing onto her Clanmate.

With the noises of the two fighting in the background, Pebblepaw turned to look at Shadeheart again. "Who are they?" After a few moments she added, "And are they always like this?"

Shadeheart sighed. "The she-cat is Dewpaw and the tom is her brother, Rookpaw."

"Hey! I told you we got our warrior names. I'm Dewshine, and that's my brother Rookshade," Dewshine meowed, grabbing Rookshade's scruff and hauling him to his feet. Pebblepaw shuffled closer to Shadeheart. Dewshine was a bit too loud and extroverted for her.

"Who's this?" Rookshade muttered, sticking his nose closer to her.

"I'm Pebblepaw," Pebblepaw responded. "Just became an apprentice a few sunrises ago."

"Who's her mentor? Is it Otterstar? Are you her mentor? You should've gotten your warrior name too, unless you failed your assessment," Dewshine questioned, getting up into Shadeheart's face. Her tail lashed from side to side and her ears swiveled, catching every sound she could hear.

"Her mentor is Troutfrost and my name is Shadeheart."

"Oooo! She got the deputy as her mentor! She his kit or something?" Dewshine responded to her friend, her gaze landing on the brown-and-white tom that sat under the great rock.

"Troutfrost doesn't have any kits," Pebblepaw said, tilting her head. Shouldn't Dewshine know that? She's a warrior and had been to at least six gatherings in the past. "My mother is Stormpuddle."

"So her father was Hailstorm," Rookshade murmured. "Her father was the deputy. Remember? Hailstorm died in that fox infestation around six moons ago." He turned, nudging his siter's side.

"Hey! Shadepaw! Rookpaw! Dewpaw!" Pebblepaw turned to look at the newcomer and her friends, ignoring it when Dewshine responded to her brother about being insensitive.

"Cranepaw, Splashpaw, and Littlepaw," Shadeheart murmured into Pebblepaw's ear. "Littlepaw was here last night, Splashpaw's his sister, and Cranepaw is a WindClan apprentice who likes to tag along with them."

Pebblepaw nodded. All these new cats and scents and noises were a bit overwhelming-- she hoped the gathering would start soon. Maybe the noises would calm down then.

Cranepaw looked like Breezetail, in Pebblepaw's opinion, except instead of light ginger the points of her body were a dark ginger that looked more like spots than Breezetail's fade.

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