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She held her head high and looked at the regal leader that stood on top of the large, smooth stone.

Otterstar was most likely right, she thought, but Troutfrost was-- no, is-- her greatest friend. Her only friend. She swished her tail around to lay on her paws and put on a mask of indifference.

Troutfrost taught her how to do that. She could hide her emotions well thanks to him. He taught himself how to do that, he told her sometimes. He couldn't tell anyone his feelings so why have any at all?

She couldn't just leave Troutfrost to the rogues, could she? She had to find him. She had to get out of there and find him.

The atmosphere of RiverClan camp suddenly felt suffocating. How would she find him? He wouldn't have gone far, she knew that. He must be somewhere just outside of Clan territory, plotting his revenge against the two young warriors who stopped him.

Against Otterstar. Against Stormpuddle. Against any cat who'd ever doubted him.

Otterstar finished his speech about... well, she couldn't quite remember what it was about. She always got distracted too easily.

Otterstar seemed distraught when Ashleaf walked up to him to say it wasn't his fault, it was Fogstar's fault for letting him keep Troutfrost in the first place.

She admired him for not blaming Troutfrost, even though it probably was his fault. He could never control his anger. Even when he was a kit.

She was next now, though. What if the Clan started accusing her of murder or helping Troutfrost with his plans? She hadn't really helped him-- she had just caught a bit of his conversation with Hailstorm and hadn't told anyone.

It was Hailstorm's fault anyway. He bullied Troutfrost as a kit and even had kids with Stormpuddle of all cats.

Beesting had watched Troutfrost kill Sootsky right in front of his face and he hadn't said anything. Maybe it was because he was young and still wanted to live his life. Maybe it was because of Darklight. Only StarClan knew.

Maybe she could slip out of camp at night without anyone noticing. There was a hole in the back of camp near the nursery, after all. Tinyblossom would be busy with her kits, so she wouldn't hear.

Yeah, that's what she'll do. Then she can be free to find Troutfrost, beg him to let her stay, and she'll have him back.

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