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Rewritten ✔
Edited ✘

The moon was sinking below the tree line when the cats got back to camp. Even though she was tired, Pebblepaw had to admit, the sunrise was wonderful. The way the blues faded into purple and then red-- she absolutely loved it.

As Pebblepaw stuck her head through the camp barrier, two bundles of fur rammed into her legs. She went crashing to the ground with a yelp, sending up plumes of dust.

"Oh no! Pebblepaw! Are you okay?" Puddle's voice sounded from her left. Leaf was giggling at the side of her sister.

"I'm fine, Puddle!" Pebblepaw said, jumping to her feet. She yawned, sitting down in front of the kits. They were almost as big as her now despite their age; still only three moons old.

"Do you want to hear about the gathering?" Pebblepaw asked, tucking her paws underneath her. Puddle nodded enthusiastically, nudging Leaf who soon joined in.

"Of course we do!" Leaf said, her voice as quite as a mouse's tread.

Pebblepaw nodded. She wondered how the two kits hadn't seen Lavenderwing come in; maybe they were too distracted by her. "We brought Lavenderwing, ThunderClan's medicine cat, back with us!"

Puddle jumped to her feet. "I thought we were supposed to stay within our territory?" she tilted her head to one side. Leaf carefully got up and nodded.

"Medicine cats are outside of Clan borders and rivalries," a voice Pebblepaw recognized as Lavenderwing's answered. "Your Clan needs help-- who am I to deny that to you?"

She looked a lot like Breezetail, Pebblepaw decided. Except instead of red, the points of her body were gray. Her eyes shimmered like the dewy morning grass.

"How long are you staying?" Puddle asked, taking a step towards the ThunderClan cat. "And how come you smell like that?"

"Puddle!" Pebblepaw exclaimed. "That's rude."

Lavenderwing laughed, taking no offense to the kit's antics. She thought it was quite funny, actually. "I'll be staying until you get another medicine cat. I hope one of Tinyblossom's kits takes a liking to herbs." With those words, she got up and headed towards Goldenglow's den.

It's not Goldenglow's den anymore, Pebblepaw reminded herself sadly, it's Lavenderwing's for the time being.

"Otterstar!" Pebblepaw turned her head to find the source of the voice. Darklight was standing in front of the leader, hackles bristling. "Why did you let a mouse-munching Thundercat into our camp? What if she's a spy?"

Otterstar sighed. "They couldn't have known we needed a medicine cat. Lavenderwing is supposed to heal, not fight."

Ravenflight walked up to stand beside the medicine cat. "I was an apprentice beside Lavenderwing. We liked to talk at gatherings, and I know she would never spy on us. Even if Reedstar asked her to," she meowed, planting a paw into the sand. Otterstar nodded at the senior warrior.

"I trust Lavenderwing. Even if you don't, you should still respect her," Otterstar growled. He got up after that and headed to his den.

Pebblepaw yawned, giving each kit a lick on the head. "You two should go find Tinyblossom. "I might try to get some sleep," she said.

"Pebblepaw!" Sparrowpaw bounded over towards her as the two kits ran off. "Beesting told me to tell you that Troutfrost wants you to get sleep instead of train today!" he exclaimed. "'Cmon, I'm tired!"

Pebblepaw laughed as her brother whipped around, his tail trailing after him as he jumped into their den. She followed, turning in a tight circle on her nest before laying down and closing her eyes.

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