Chapter 2

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The sound of vomiting could be heard from the distance as the two locals that had just come out of the tavern, now on top of the hill, had a view of the town.

Local 1: URGH, you were right. I couldn't handle it.

Local 2: Heh, you still have to pay me.

Local 1: Y-Yeah, I will pay when we...oh no.

Continuing to vomit again, his friend simply sighs while crossing his arm waiting patiently.

Local 1: Oh god, please let that be the last.

Local 2: I hope so because I won't be here forever. I want to go home and rest. Tonight was weird.

Local 1: Speaking of tonight, do you still remember what happened back at the tavern?

Local 2: I don't want to remember that.

Local 1: Yeah, but still, hearing that woman's voice and finding out that girl

Local 2: Can we not talk about it, please. Are you done?

Local 1: Uh...yeah, I think I'm done. I am never drinking that much ever again.

The two were ready to leave, but heard a sound from the forest.

Local 1: Hey did you hear that?

Local 2: No I didn't, let's just get back to the-

Local 1: Honestly, I'm scared right now. Do you think it a-

Local 2: No, our traps are well securedin this place. There is no way Grimm would appear here.

Local 1: Do you think it's an Grimm?

The two proceeded further to the noise, out of nowhere an apple appeared, causing the second guy to scream like a girl, which responded with the first guy laughing out loud.

Local 2: You little-

Local 1: Oh, you should have seen your face. Youdefinitely crap yourself!

Local 2: You know what? Screw you!

Local 2: Hey, what was that?

Local 1: Heh nice try, you're not fooling me.

The Local 2: Behind You!

Unfortunately, there was no time for reaction, as a giant Beowulf took a huge bite out of the first guy's head. He took it straight out of his body, swallowing it whole. The creature then looked at the second person coming for him now.

Local 2: No please, Nooo!

As his scream echoed, Doree stopped for a moment and looked at the window. She shrugged it off and continued using the dust to start but screwed up, causing her to get angry and throw it around.

Doree: Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

She calms herself down. She sat beside a photo of her family enjoying themselves at the beach.

Doree: I try so much to do things on my own, yet it is so...just so...

She then looks at one of her sisters in the photo, crying.

Doree: How can you do this Saphron on your own, even with Jaune is still difficult. I wish I had never left home.

A knock could be heard from the door, which confused Doree.

Doree: Huh, who is it at this time of the night?

She picked up the dust from the floor and placed it back on the table. She headed towards the door and opened it to find a woman with short brownish hair, tan skin and cyan eyes with disgust on her face.

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