Chapter 3

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Back during the Fall of Beacon, in the Beacon's Vault. We cut to Cinder and Ozpin clashing with each other, both using all their strength to gain the upper hand. The intense battle continues for the last five minutes until both start to cool down, tired and catching their breath.

Cinder: I can't believe it. Even with the maiden power, I still can't defeat you.

Ozpin: Do you really think the magic I once hold would be enough to take me down?

Cinder: Wait, are you the one  created the maiden powers?

Ozpin: Ah, I shouldn't have mentioned that. Well it doesn't matter anyway, I'm surprised she didn't inform you.

Cinder: What, are you suggesting that my master didn't tell me the whole truth?

Ozpin: Well not saying you are the fool, but considering the time I spent dealing with her, I would say so.

Cinder tries to maintain her composure despite the insults directed at her mentor.

Ozpin: Oh sorry, did I strike a nerve? Don't blame me. It's not my fault you blindly trust that woman.

Before Ozpin can say anything else, Cinder launches a fireball at him, but he quickly dodges it.

Cinder: Enough, I was going to give you a peaceful death, but now I'm going to make sure you suffer and scream in pain.

Ozpin: Impressive. You really do sound like her. Very well, give it your all.

They resume their fight, with Cinder relying more on her glass semblance than her maiden powers. She tries to land hits on Ozpin, but his quick reflexes allow him to dodge and counterattack.

Ozpin: Heh, I've faced more threatening Grimm than you. Are you sure your master didn't make a mistake choosing you as the Fall Maiden? If I were her, I would have sent you back to wherever you came from.

Cinder screams in anger and conjures a flaming sun, launching it towards Ozpin. Unfortunately, he is unable to dodge it and takes a heavy hit.

Cinder: Just give up, old man. There's no way out for you.

Cinder looks at the collapsed Ozpin, his clothes torn and struggling to get up. She prepares to savor his torment, but then the old man starts to chuckle.

Ozpin: You think this is the end? Hehehe. It's funny how she sent all of you here to take me down. I guess she didn't tell you my ultimate secret.

Cinder notices Ozpin's glowing fingers as he starts to rise, appearing ready to do something.

Ozpin: I always come back.

Unaware that one of his fingers is bent, Ozpin snaps his fingers in an attempt to finish off Cinder. However, it creates a shockwave that reflects back, causing him to erase himself from existence. Cinder is left bewildered.

Cinder: What... What just happened?

Back to the original story, Ozpin, now in Jaune's body, has just wiped out one of the bandits called Shay from existence, leaving Vernal and Doree shocked. Even Ozpin himself can't believe it. He was certain that the attack would have killed Jaune as well, but the blonde kid's body remains unharmed, except for his two burnt fingers.

Vernal: You have those eyes. She was right. You're a monster!

Jaune (Ozpin): Damn right I am. Now, I'm going to give you a choice, and I won't repeat myself. Listen carefully. Choice one: let go of that woman, leave this place within ten seconds, and never look back. Choice two: continue being an arrogant savage, and you'll meet the same fate as your friend.

Vernal: I...

Doree: Jaune, what's happening to you?

Jaune (Ozpin): Make your choice now, or in three seconds, I'll make it for you. One... two...

Vernal doesn't waste any time and starts running away, crying out for Raven, who is nowhere to be seen. Ozpin laughs and takes a breath.

Doree: Jaune, why are you acting like this? This isn't like you.

Ozpin looks at Doree, realizing that she is Jaune's sister. He approaches her, but she quickly steps back, feeling unsafe around her brother after witnessing what just happened.

Doree: H-How did you do that? You completely erased him.

Jaune (Ozpin): Listen, sis, cousin, or whatever you are to me. I want you to do one thing for me. Can you do that?

Doree: Jaune, what are you saying? This doesn't make any sense. You're my brother.

Jaune (Ozpin): That's because I'm no longer your brother.

Doree: What? What do you mean you're not my brother?

Jaune (Ozpin): You never had a brother. You had to forget that this brother ever existed because he's not coming back. I'm sorry, but sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the sake of a better future.

Doree: Jaune, you're not making any sense. Why are you saying all of this?

Jaune (Ozpin): Because you're not my sister anymore. I have no family. I only have a mission to fulfill now. I know it's hard to understand, but the world we live in is cruel. Just go back home to our parents and never look for me again.

As Jaune starts to walk away, Doree becomes overwhelmed with emotion. Tears stream down her cheeks, and in her frustration, she grabs a rock and throws it at Jaune's head.

Doree: How could you say all of that? I let you stay here when you were kicked out of Beacon. I've always tried to take care of you, even when the other sisters were just messing around. I've always been there for you, trying to make you happy. And this is how you repay me? By pretending I'm not your sister anymore?

Jaune (Ozpin): You're right, Doree. That's why you shouldn't have wasted your time on me. You should have continued your life somewhere else. This is Goodbye.

As Jaune walks away, Doree collapses to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. She can't believe what she just heard from her brother's mouth, unaware that the man walking away is no longer her brother.

Continues in Next Chapter...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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