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My eyes pierced the back of Rhaigne's head as I followed her to the fitting room. I wasn't up to seeing Juda today especially not so early after I had lost myself again to him. I wasn't confident in my restraint and so to be forced to be in such close proximity to him felt like an awful tragedy.

As we approached the room the extent to which I was freaking out came to me in waves of what felt like a slight panic attack. Ok you can do this... Just be professional and try and not look in his direction. You'll be fine.

I silently schooled myself as Rhaigne looked over her shoulder as if making sure that I hadn't fled from the scene. She smiled at me as if giving me moral support and then something else flashed across her face.. regret maybe.

Yeah right.

I walked past her and entered the room to be invited by a loud commotion. The boys were playing apparently. Their childishness was beautiful to watch and I wasn't surprised at the small smile that was forming on my lips. I've always had a soft spot for them. In the couple of months that I knew the band we grew so close that whenever I was around them it felt as if I was around family. It was charming the way they would quickly jump into the role of my big brothers, where they would smother me with their gentle affection.

'Daii my little baby!'

I was tackled in a headlock which I knew was Fabian's greeting for me every time he saw me, no matter where we were he never failed.

'Uggh hey Fabie,' my voice sounded muffled as I was crushed under his arms making it difficult to breathe.

'Hey guys, look who Rhai dragged in today!'

I think he sounded too excited to see me at this point so I began to squirm under his tight grip trying to get away as fast as possible. I was suddenly dragged from under Fabian's arm and lifted up from off the ground in another tight embrace and then spun around the full 360 degrees.

Loud greetings were shared between the guys and I found myself not so graciously being passed from one arm to the next until I was settled in the center of their small circle.

'Where have you been?' Kev looked at me worriedly, 'we haven't seen you in so long'

'I went to see my mom haven't seen her in awhile and you know how parents can get..'

They all smiled understandingly and shook their heads. All of that forgotten as we begun talking about all the things that we've been missing out on in each others life.

'When Rhai here told me about her brilliant idea to use you as our promo girl we were happy as hell.' Stef sat beside me in one of the chairs as he popped out his phone, 'I've been blogging about it for about a week now and the rave we've been getting.. Its a-mazing'

Forever Yours  (T.L.M.)Where stories live. Discover now