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  Tomorrow came and went.

I knew I was being a coward and all the other shitty words you could come up with, but Juda and I needed a reality check. Life didn't have to be full of stupid mistakes at least we all needed a break once in a while. So I figured that me staying as far away from Juda as far as humanly possible which included not having sex with him was me doing my part in correcting some mistakes. I was going to stay away not until I fixed myself and found out how to solve the problems that were quickly piling up, one after the other.

So you could understand why I didn't follow through with my promise to meet up with him. I probably could have been straight with him from the beginning and just told him that was never in my intention to come over to his place. Just the mere fact that he had suggested it had red flags waving in my mind. If I went I would be giving him control, something I wasn't too keen on giving up to him not again anyway.

Rhaigne's house was the only form of refuge I had, not even my mom understood what I was going through with Juda. All she did was constantly nag me and reminded me that it was obvious how much I needed him. My argument was based on the fact that men were given too much power and that women underestimated themselves when it came onto making important decisions. She didn't understand that I needed to get through this journey on my own.

The constant bickering about my happiness had truly gotten to my head and that resulted in me only visiting her when I was sure I was 100% happy or that I could actually muster up the strength to pretend that I was. Today was definitely not one of those special moments.

'What do you want to eat?'

I mumbled something that I didn't even recognize under the confines of a very thick quilt that Rhaigne had made for me when I had to do a magazine spread in Russia.

'Ok sausage it is then.' I quickly shot up from off the bed with a high pitched wail. The wicked wretch was laughing at my obvious discomfort, she knew how much I hated sausages even the thought of them had me in a frenzy.

I followed her into the kitchen with the quilt wrapped around my slender frame. 'Just make me a sandwich ok. A BACON sandwich.'  I said making sure to emphasize on the last part to make sure she had heard.

I sat across from her on one of the chairs with my feet tucked under my leg watching her swiftly create a sandwich that looked ridiculously too large for my stomach. 'I can't possibly digest all of that you know.'

'Yup. That's why I am eating half.'  She then proceeded to cut the great hunk of bread in half putting one half on an empty plate and the other half on a much larger plate that was assorted with a variety of food items beside a large glass of orange juice. I was pretty much seeing lightbulbs at this moment, I looked at the plate and then up at her feeling puzzled by her current behavior.

'Are you pregnant?'

'Huh?'  The room went silent with me staring at her challengingly and her trying to give me one of her clueless looks.

'So...' I gestured at the large plate sitting in front of her, obviously awaiting a reply.

'Probably.' A tiny smile was playing at her lips, maybe she was trying to repress it for my own sake. I knew she was aware of the news a lot sooner and if I knew my sister I would have guessed that she didn't tell me because of the recent events.

I quickly got up and went over to where she stood looming over the plate. I felt a deep happiness enclose over my heart, at that moment I was truly happy for her because I knew how important family was to Rhaigne. I pulled her into the tightest embrace her small frame would be able to handle, 'Does Chase know?'

I felt her nod against my shoulder and then I hugged her tighter. I was a terrible sister, never available when I was needed emotionally distant. There was always something happening around me some new drama or an inevitable heartbreak that needed fixing.

'You're gonna be a good mom,'  I felt that it was my duty to reassure her. I was all too familiar with how doubtful thoughts could form a dark cloud over your mind, blinding any true potential you could have. Turning you into this deeply resentful person who doesn't even recognize her own self .

Small sobs were coming from Rhaigne as the all too familiar heightened emotions that comes along with the territory were taking over. I ushered her to sit on the chair that I had occupied and gave her the plate so that she could finish eating.

Halfway through the meal and I was still watching her, I wanted to take in every detail of this moment. My sister is pregnant. I smiled at the thought because I knew she will do an excellent job, just like everything else that she did.

'You're gonna be so fat.'  I said with a smirk. I was amused at the horrified expression she had on her face thinking how cute she's going to look with a baby bump.

She gave me one of her worried pouts. 'Oh shut up!' and then proceeded to empty all of her juice all over my clothes.

A purely animalistic scream left my throat as I launched myself at Rhai throwing the entire jug of juice all over her head.

'My hair!' I did a victory dance that included me wiggling my ass at her. A devious look crossed  her face and I knew I was in trouble. She opened the refrigerator and pulled out something, holding it up in her hands like a trophy mincing it in her hands.

'No, no, no.'  Frantically I started running around the kitchen trying to get away from her and her sausage hands from assaulting me. Rhaigne was screaming for me to stand still while her hands were filled with sausage trying to catch me.

We were running like that for about 10 minutes while throwing various food items at each other and laughing hysterically.

That's how Chase found us, running around the kitchen having a food massacre with the both of us almost unrecognizable under various food items. It ended with Rhaigne tripping almost falling on her face, Chase catching her and holding her to his chest cursing under his breath while giving her a disapproving look.

'You should really be more careful baby.'

He lifted her bridal style and began walking in the direction of their room with Rhaigne having a stupidly goofy smile on her face and gazing up at her husband lovingly.

'Hello love,'  he said with a slight British accent while pecking me on the cheek. 'I'm gonna have to clean up this little rascal here.'  While giving me a once over then a pointed look. 'Maybe you should consider doing the same yeah.'

I glanced at myself in the mirror and saw how horrendous I looked with chunks of sausage peeping from my hair. I couldn't help the waves of laughter that took over my body and had me gasping for breath. Right at that moment I felt free, all the burden that was weighing me down from before felt much lighter and insignificant. Not even the lingering thoughts of Juda didn't spoil my mood. This is what I needed.

A day.

A/n: new name and cover everyone!

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