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December 20th 2023
Manhattan, New York
1:45 pm

"Where you off to?" The taxi driver questioned as Amina hopped in the backseat. "Harlem." She answered before shutting the door and fastening her seatbelt. The mention of Harlem put her mind on Rashad, a faint smile took over her lips while she slightly grew emotional.

"Sorry—I didn't make it clear, I'm going to 109th street." Amina announced, snapping herself out of her thoughts. As frequently as she visited Harlem, she still forgot to be precise with her directions when catching cabs and taxis. "You not from here, huh?" The driver questioned with a light chuckle, causing Amina to do the same.

"Not originally—I visit enough to at least consider myself a resident." Amina replied, focusing her attention out the window. Noticing that they were stuck in traffic. New York was always busy, but 4 days until Christmas made things even more hectic. Once she realized she had a good view of a mix of the Rockefeller tree, she quickly grabbed her phone to take a picture. Something about the setting made her feel warm and cozy, literally. Her Moncler coat plus the heat that the driver had on weren't a good mix.

Amina zipped her coat down, and removed her arms from the sleeves one by one revealing her velour juicy couture tracksuit jacket. She placed her coat next to her and continued to daze out the window. Memories of her Christmas that she spent with Rashad came to mind. Looking back at how unknowing she was about how things would turn out between them made her chuckle. She reflected on their New York trip, and how it pretty much was a crossing road to their relationship. That period of time would always have a special place in her heart.

Every time it crossed her mind, she found her eyes to start watering and a smile to stretch against her face. Amina's sentiments remained—she loved Rashad, dearly. And she was thankful for the love that they shared during that time. At that time, Amina didn't see herself becoming one with anything that happened, so to be in a completely different space now was surreal to her.

Amina looked down at the ring on her finger and began to lightly toy with it, although the memories attached with the ring were horrid, she couldn't bring herself to take it off. Amina attempted to look at it as a remembrance of Rashad and the Genesis of their love. The ring was now apart of her everyday jewelry, along with the bracelet and necklace he got her. The four articles of jewelry were a part of her forever, much like Rashad.

"You got any specific items you looking forward to seeing under the tree?" The driver questioned while slightly looking in the mirror to get a glimpse of Amina. "Not really, I'm already...thankful...for everything." She replied, keeping her eyes locked on the window. She could never get enough of New York, every time she came, it still felt like her first time.

"Yeah...I understand that, but it's still no material item that you're anticipating?" He questioned, Amina shrugged as she started to think about it. "Nothing comes to mind...what about you?" Amina questioned back, curious to hear his answer. She watched as a smile stretched across his face, which instinctively made her smile as well.

"I'm happy to spend time with my wife and kids, but I'm definitely looking forward to my new golf clubs." The driver replied, Amina lightly snickered at his excitement, it was cute. She was still fond of hearing  people talk about things that made them happy. "You golf?" Amina questioned, though the answer was obvious, it felt like the only question that could keep the conversation moving.

"Yeah—down at a country club in Manhattan Woods." He replied, Amina nodded her head. The mention of golfing and country clubs put her mind back on Rashad. Their day at the country club was a bit emotional for Amina, but she still loved the memory. That day was also a very pivotal moment in their relationship. "Well, I hope the next time you go back to the country club, you'll have your new clubs." Amina spoke.

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