𝔻𝕒𝕪 𝟘 - 愚かな旅行者が旅に出ています。

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hi everyone! this is a republished fanfic that I actually wrote around three years ago. this fanfic is really cringe, but i find the amount of cringe i produced to be quite hilarious hence why i decided to publish it here. for those just finding me, this is actually my second account. my main account is wasabikawa.

"This year, you all will be assigned seat partners for your class. It will be randomized, and there is no way I'm going to take requests."

It was the first day of school and Sachi Ito was as ready as she could ever be. Sachi was a very smart and bright person, with a lot of friends but not much experience in the romance department. Everyone she talked to always matched her energy and grew happier when she was around. Sachi was happy that she could make others happy, and due to this reputation grew very popular with both boys and girls. So she was completely unfazed when the teacher announced this, because she was pretty sure that she knew everyone in the class. This happening wouldn't faze her or really change much, as it was just more opportunities to grow closer with people she was already friends with.

When the day was over, she was handed the list of all the seat partners, and browsing the name, she found that hers was listed next to someone that she hadn't heard much of. Akaashi Keiji.

"Um, Emi-chan?" she poked a girl in the class on the shoulder. "Do you know who Akaashi Keiji is?"

"You don't know who he is?" Emi raised her eyebrows at the flustered girl. "He's actually somewhat popular, and not only with good looks, but he's also the setter for the volleyball team and best friends with Bokuto-san."

"Ah, Bokuto-san's friend? Yeah, I think I remember now! Thanks, Emi-Emi," Sachi smiled and then waved goodbye to her friend, meeting up with some people to walk home together.

The sun sunk below the horizon spreading vibrant citrus colors across the expanse of the sky. Sachi smiled as she felt the warm colors dance on her face.

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒 - K. AkaashiWhere stories live. Discover now