𝔻𝕒𝕪 𝟜 -「これは役に立ちます」

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Sachi went to school the next day feeling a little under the weather. She met up with one of her friends at the train station, and they helped go over the small amount of schoolwork that she missed.

There was thankfully hardly any, as it had been a Wednesday and usually that is the less strenuous day of the week. Once Sachi stepped into the classroom, she felt her heart sink a little when she saw Akaashi wasn't there, as she would have to sit by herself in the beginning of the day. Thankfully, he showed up within a few minutes. Surprisingly, he flashed her a miniscule smile.

"Good morning, Sachi-san."

"To you as well!" Sachi grinned from ear to ear. "I'm glad I didn't miss that much, I was really worried coming back today. Are you excited for the trip on Friday, Akaashi-san?"
"I didn't think I would be excited for it," Akaashi glanced down, "but now that I'm thinking about it, I think it will be fun. Especially if I have someone like you accompanying me instead of Bokuto."

Wow, he's never really said that much before, Sachi glanced at him in surprise, her cheeks slightly read from his out-of-nowhere remark.

"Is something the matter?" his blue eyes pierced through hers.

"No, I'm just still feeling a bit drowsy that's all," Sachi remarked, tapping her pencil noisily against the desk.

The teacher glared at her and she dropped the pencil in defeat, returning her attention back to the board.

The teacher assigned them all an algebra worksheet to work on together, and Sachi carried the conversation between the two, shifting slowly back into her usual cheery attitude.

Akaashi started to feel a bit more relaxed around the girl, and began to put in his own inputs on the situation.

"Sachi-san, I think that on number four you miscalculated this one. Here, you can look at my notes if you want to." Akaashi quickly handed her his dark blue notebook, tons of hiragana scribbled about. She flipped through to the most recent page, and there were a bunch of incoherent scribbles on it.

"Haha!" Sachi giggled. "I didn't realize you were a scribbler, Akaashi-san, it's really cute."

"N-no," he glanced away quickly. "I was just a bit frustrated, that's all."

Sachi chuckled when she saw that his ears were red from the embarrassment of it all. "It's okay, Akaashi-san! All true warriors in the battle of the classroom have to take out their anger sometimes. Here, watch this!"

With a loud grunt, Sachi snapped her pen in half, the ink inside spilling on her uniform shirt.

"Holy crap!" she stood up. "I didn't know there was ink in there!"

Akaashi tilted his head to one side. "I can't tell if you're trying to be funny or you're just an idiot."

The whole class was laughing at Sachi's idiotic move, and she felt herself turning an embarrassing shade of red. "Y-you know, I have to go to the bathroom... I'll be back in a little while, okay?"

Meanwhile in the classroom, Akaashi shuddered from second hand embarrassment.

Once safely in the bathroom, Sachi unbuttoned her uniform blouse and washed it off in the sink, the black ink spilling into the sink. With a groan, she squeezed it to get all the liquids out, and then waved it around to try to dry it at the speed of light.

"Alright! All good," Sachi grinned, putting on her blouse again. It had slightly dried, but the fabric was a bit shiny and her undergarments were a bit... prominent. Of course, Sachi didn't notice this and nonchalantly left the classroom.

While she was walking unbeknowingstly down the hall, Bokuto just happened to pass her, and he glanced at her only to see...

"U-uh! Sachi-chan!" he called out. She turned around, while Bokuto tried his hardest not to stare. He pulled off his volleyball hoodie and quickly handed it to her. "Y-your things are showing..."

"What do you mean? Why are you giving me a sweater?" Sachi asked.

"Look down." Bokuto's voice became a bit low. "You shouldn't walk around like that."

Sachi glanced down and froze. "Oh... I see... but why are you giving me your hoodie?"

Bokuto laughed. "Hey hey hey! While you have the opportunity and need, you can wear it, okay Sachi-chan? That way people won't have to see that stuff."

Before Sachi could protest, he handed her the hoodie and ran off, his cheeks flaring.

Is he okay? Sachi shrugged and put on the sweater, and it just barely reached her knees.

"Thank you!" she called after him, and he threw up a peace sign at her.

Once she reached the classroom, Akaashi asked her if she was okay, both mentally and physically. Sachi just smiled and said that she was okay.

"Is that Bokuto's?" Akaashi glanced at the sweater she was wearing. When she sat down, it hugged loosely around her small figure even more so than before.

"He gave it to me in the hall, said it was because of something showing, but I still can't really figure out what..." Sachi put her chin on the desk and stared out the window. "Why would he want to give me his hoodie anyways? It doesn't make sense, he shouldn't care about that stuff."

Akaashi groaned. "You're more dense than him, you know." He then turned her head towards him with his index finger. "He probably likes you, dummy."

Sachi lightly brushed his hand off, a bit uncomfortable. "He doesn't, Bokuto-kun is dating Hanabe-chan from class 3-B, right?"

"Hanabe-chan?" Akaashi tilted his head. "There's no one in his class named that. I'm guessing he made that up, then."

Sachi frowned. "I see... well, it doesn't really matter, because there's one person that I've been looking for since I was small, and I know that Bokuto-kun isn't the one."

"Do you believe in that soulmate kind of stuff? Maybe in another life, but not in this one..." Akaashi shook his head, finishing up the final problem on the worksheet. "Do you want me to tell you the truth, Sachi-san?"

Sachi glanced over at him. "What is it?"

"I requested to sit next to you during the seating chart. I've always liked you, ever since middle school. Do you like me, too?" Akaashi leaned towards her, his eyes beseeching her.

Wait, what?! Sachi blushed. I just met Akaashi... but somehow it already feels like I've known him for a while. Is that enough to say I like him back? I could go for it but-

"Just kidding," he chuckled and leaned back. "I just wanted to see your reaction."

"A-ah," Sachi fiddled with her hands a bit. "It's kind of strange, Akaashi-san. I feel like I can talk to you so familiarly. Is it possible we knew each other before this and it slipped my mind?"

He paused for a second, then looked away, back to his usual stoic state, "I doubt that's the case. Maybe we're just two buttons in the same hole, that's all."

Sachi gazed at him and his soft features in the evening light. "I'm glad you're my seat partner, Akaashi-san."

"Same here," Akaashi replied, his face turned away from her so he could hide the shimmering blush on his cheeks.

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒 - K. AkaashiWhere stories live. Discover now