(2.) Mr Yang, The Emperor

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"Where the fuck am I..?" You asked yourself, wondering around an empty and silent endless library.

You felt your a brim beetween the bridge of time and reality, unsure where you were suppose to be.

After a few minutes of walking and looked through titles of nameless books.. The library has come to an end as you see a blue door that is shinning, and quite out of place, then a blue and shiney butterfly flies to you.

"Why is there boss music playing.?"

You said as you listen to the sweet sounds of the piano and violin being harmonically being sync, and alluring however your cautiousness became high.

The door opened itself, It swung open as the wind shatters towards you, Then you meet eyes with a lady with silver hair, and purple eyes as she smilling while reading a book, It's Black Swan. You recognized her in many episodes.

As you entered, the room is quite calming however unsafe like playing againsts something that is an unwinnable game. A gamble that you never experienced.

The room stacked of books behind you, The Tarot cards neatly laid out at the table as there are flowers blooming, withering and being rebirth repetitively over and over, Although you had no questions about it.

Black Swan smiles as she finishes the book, she closes it shut and laid it at the side as she stood up and bowed, respectfully greeting you. "Hello, The Messiah. My name is Black Swan, As you may have known."

You felt the urge to kneel down in one knee, out of respect.

As so you did, you kneeled down with one knee and you put your hand at your chest while looking at the floor.

"...Hello, Miss.." As you looked up, both of your gazes meet and made eye contact, almost like it was the first time you both met.

Black Swan seems to be happily satisfied with your appearance "You may have came here unexpectedly but the observer's blessing has chosen you for the change."

She then looked away with a sad smile. "However you are not the first person to be here. You are the 18th Messiah, The last one.. All other paths has failed even the finality, equilibrium, or the order." She pulled out a card out of the cards laid down as she flips it over.

"Time — the hardest working thief in the world. It keeps stealing away our present from us, and tossing it away in a warehouse named Memory. Some are addicted to recuperating their losses... Others care not in the slightest." Black Swan says as she chuckles, as she gaze upon you once more. "You probably knew that."

The card has shown to be the path of rememberance, You blink as you looked up to her, and both eyes meet once again.

"Path of Rememberance.?" You blinked as you slightly tilted your head as you looked away.

"I slightly didn't expect that.. I thought i'm going to fight destruction with destruction." you scratched your neck as you admitted you were an idiot.

"I didn't expect for you to be a fool, usually Path of Rememberance are geniuses or talented." Black Swan commented.

"Ouch." You said as you rolled your eyes.

"Okay, I kind of admit that." You scratch your neck again as you chuckled.

"All that aside, Why did I die?" You questioned, hoping the answer will be clear.
"How did I became the mesisah? Why? How is it connected to my world? Your only a game to my world."

"I'm sorry?" She seemed to not heard you properly or became more confused.

"How did I exactly end up here?"

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