(3.) Dan Heng, The Moon

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13 Years, 2 Months, and 13 Days...

You.. are now promoted as one of the engineer of the express, ever since Himeko started teaching you robotics and mechanical engineering, you cried quite a lot due to the fact that universe still has math, but atleast you don't have to lay your ass on your chair or your bedroom all the time now.

Greatest part is are being less nagged by Welt Yang himself for avoiding socialization or pretty much anything that included touching grass.. noThough people do notice how much your a workaholic now, Fixing the Astral Express interesting.

Though now...

"Y/N! Are you going to eat dinner or what?" Someone had called your name, as you collapsed at the floor due to fatigue that you didn't notice.

You muttered. "Too lazy!!.. I'm so freaking exhausted." You groaned as you felt extremely sleepy.

"We have a new member too! A new Trailblazer!"

"Whats the name?" You asked loudly, as there isn't any response.


"WHAT IS THE NAME??" You asked again, even more louder.


"Know what-" You marched out of the engineer room, as you opened the main parlor. "Who is the new member?-... fucking schisse."

Though, Years past by, you developed to be a chill member of the astral express but unable to take care of yourself. A 4 star character technically... and unfortunately.

You almost slammingly opened the door looking around trying to find the new number, As you sigh innfrustration that they weren't there.

"They're not here yet, Welt is picking him up-" Himeko said as she got interrupted when you started walking away from her, she pinches your ear and sigh. "Oh Y/n... when will let me finish someday?"

"Over my dead body maybe, Himeko." You said as you rolled your own eyes, as you started shuffling the playing cards that came from your pocket, almost like an idle animation.

It seems like you also have the capacity to break the 4th wall, like Sampo Koski... Well, Half the capacity since you look at random directions.

You then heard the astral express door open.

"We're back, We bought the new member in." Welt Yang spoke calmly, with a smile.

"Welcome to the Astral Ex... What the absolute fu–" You looked at Dan Heng in a hoodie, with a few bruises.. It seems like life tells him to go fuck himself.

"...Hello, My name is Dan Heng." Dan Heng said, as he avoids eye contact.

Damn... He's really emo, Just like in game, Though you were half joking. "Y/n! Nice to meet you.. Dan Heng." You smiled, as you gave a handshake.

You weren't exactly sure how to react, All you did was shrug it off and think of how much lore there is in HSR. You then sigh before thinking of something.

What would the best way to approach this? You then smiled. "Uhm... Hoii.?" Way to go Y/n! You sound like that one undertale character.

All Dan Heng did was raise his eyebrow, as he is secretly judging you.

That was the ultimate fail of recieving a good first impression.

But.. Dan Heng didn't seem to judge, but instead tried to hide is laugh.

It seems like, despite the bitterness in his life.. years being trapped in shackled prison, he smiled and gave a small laugh with your small terrible first impression.

"Hoi to you too, Y/n." Dan Heng seems to be coping quite hard with the situation that he's in.

"So uh.. Rough life?"

"Quite literally."

You and Dan Heng got along quite well, you were the one who built half of his technology based of Himeko's instructions, and you were quite happy about it... a little bit of personalization of your own, also your own entry in the data bank too.

It was your 14 birthday..! Congratulations, The age where you have died from your previous reincarnation.

You took a sip of tea as you looked at Black Swan with your usual dull gray eyes, as you muttered. "You're a cruel one, You know–" You vomited the usual blood, even the tea of numbing didn't let the pain slide. "Fuck..."

"It was not my fault, Y/n. The state of you suffering is the state of how your emotional damage from your previous life reflects the current situation." Black said as she did tarot readings as she shown the falling tower card.

You stared as you vomited more blood than you would've like, You were truly suffering from destiny. "Is suicide an option—?" You made a terrible joke. "—Because i'm starting to think it would be a great solution right now...!"

"Suicide is never the solution, Y/n." She responded, as you groaned in return.

You vomited, more and more until you felt like there is nothing else to vomit. "..Quick question, Black Swan." You paused.

"Can you.. access my memories?"

Black Swan stared back as she shook her head as she said. "Sadly, I am unable to..." She looked down. "Though.. I can never access your memories at all, Y/n."

"Well thats unfortunate." You responded with a sigh. "Good to know."

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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