Chapter 3

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'Urgh, why are these priests still following us. '

It's been an hour since the group came out of the library. Now they are just roaming around the Palace garden, all thanks to a certain black head. Rok soo just wanted a quiet day without any disturbance but it seems some annoying pests are roaming around him.

"너무 짜증나. " (so annoying) the black head said in an irritated tone.

" My lord, is there any problem?" sayeru asked to which rok soo signaled him to take care of the priests that have been following him for quite some time.

Just as told sayeru politely (threatened) told them to go away.

And now it's just the demon and the bear king standing alone in the palace garden.

' Such peaceful silence. I want it to last fore-

" kweak kweak " ( just think it's a parot's voice cuz i don't know how it would sound like)

' ******* Hell. '

Just when rok soo was about to enjoy his freedom from those priests, a monster no a chicken group with parot' s voice came into view.

" What are they doing here?"

' As far as i know these monsters should not be able to come in the palace. Did someone intentionally release them? '

"My lord please stay here, i will take care of them. " the bear king said. Rok soo just nodded not wanting to do any thing.

" Kweak ko A-attack! " The big *ahem* mama chicken ordered her subordinates.

' wtf, did it just talk? ' the demon thought not paying any attention to the chaos.

The other chickens started to attack sayeru as if he had trespassed their territory.

" kweakkkkk. "

The leader of these chickens charged towards rok soo.

Of course it was not a big deal for a hunter like him afterall he had faced many more dangerous monsters than this chicken monster.

Rok soo grabbed the leader's neck and squeezed it, resulting in the blood that came from it's spilling on rok soo's face.

Rok soo removed the blood from his face using the chiken's feather. But some blood was still covering his mouth.

Sayeru who just finished capturing the last small monster was surprised to see rok soo's mouth covered in the monster 's blood and a cracked neck monster in his hand.

' To think he would defeat the leader on his own. As expected of the demon lord. ' sayeru thought pledging to take best care of the demon.

" My lord. "

" What" rok soo said in an angered tone because of the blood on his face but sayeru once again misunderstood his intentions.

"Ah, i am s-sorry my lord. " sayeru bowed.

' I could understand lord kim rok soo? No, he was able to talk in our language. How? Maybe the monster? Yes, afterall these monsters could speak human language and lord kim rok soo had drink its blood. ' the bear king who was deep in thought didn't listen to the demon.


"A-ah, yes m-my l-lord. "

' Is he angry because i killed one of his monster. ' kim rok soo misunderstood the meaning behind sayeru' s spacing out.

" Cook it. " the demon extended the monster in his hand towards sayeru.

" excuse me? "

" I said cook this monster. " rok soo said doing some weird hand gesture which even sayeru couldn't understand.

'Hah its been a long time since i had some chicken. '

Of course rok soo was oblivious to the fact that sayeru could understand him.

" Yes my lord. " sayeru bowed and took the monster from rok soo.


It's noon and the sun is at its peak. Both sayeru and rok soo are in the dinning hall with some servants. Rok soo was sitting while sayeru was standing behind him. The atmosphere was quite tense. No one dared to say anything. The servants were afraid to anger the demon.

The chef came in with servants following him holding the food.

The food was placed on the large dining table.

The cooked monster was placed in front of rok soo.

A certain scared servant cut the cooked monster and served it to the demon.

Rok soo took the fork and took one bite.

" Delicious. "

The chef was delighted to hear the compliment for his cooking from the demon lord. The tense atmosphere was about to be gone when

" It's better than the tentacle monster that i ate. " rok soo commented, not knowing that the people around him could now understand him. And of course living in an apocalypse world full of demonic creatures with the shortage of food was not an easy task. People had to kill for food and survival. Rok soo as well for survival had to kill monsters and eat them to fill his stomach.

" Tentacle monster? " One servant mumbled though it was heard by all.

" Ah, yes. It was huge, not so easy to defeat. It had two heads with my tentacles. " rok soo replied thinking that no one could understand him.

' Huge? Two heads? Tentacles? There is no such monster. Was it a monster in demonic realm? If it is then it must have been strong that even the demon lord had hard time fighting it. But to eat it is a bit. ' sayeru thought once again paying attention to what the demon was saying.

Rok soo took one more piece to the cooked chicken and place it in his mouth.

" Ah, i remember i also fought a bear like monster. To bad it was poisoned. "

Now all servants were looking at sayeru with pitied look in their eyes.

Well for sayeru, he was freaked out.

' Fought a bear monster? So are you saying that if it was not poisoned you would have eaten it. ' sayeru thought while praying for his life.

Rok soo placed the fork after finishing his meal, fully oblivious to the huge misunderstanding created by him.

" sayeru"

" y-yes my lord. " sayeru said who was having a hard time not to freak out infront of the demon.

" I want to make a zoo. " rok soo said forgetting to do the hand gesturing.


' A what now? ' all the servants present in the hall thought.


Hello readers, hope you are enjoying the story.

I wanna say that the next chapter will be divided in two parts.

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