Chapter 3.5

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" I want to make a zoo"  Rok soo
said forgetting to do hand gestures.


Every one present in the hall were stunned, figuring out exactly what a zoo is.


" A-ah, oh mighty lord, could you please enlighten us mortals what exactly a zoo is? " A one brave servant asked.

" A zoo? You don't even know what that is. Tch. "

" Ah right i am from another world. "

Rok soo said not knowing that others could understand him. Then a realisation hit him while thought that he was talking about the demonic realm


' should i tell them? Yea, i am in another world, what can even go wrong. '

" Umm,  a zoo.... " rok soo said putting a finger on his chin.

" Its a place where different species are kept, behind bars. "

Many shivered at what the demon told them.

Sayeru nervously asked
" M-my lord, what do you mean by kept? "

" Its exactly what i mean. They are kept behind the bars of the zoo, for thier whole life. "

" For there whole life? " the bear king exclaimed

" Yea, their kids are kept are also there, raised there, even their next generation is kept. "

" A-and what exactly is the m-motive of k-keeping them? " once again sayeru asked as no other person was volunteering.

" For entertainment. "

" w-what? " a servant said. Many even fainted.

" Yea, many people come to visit the zoo with their kids to see them. Ah if you worried about the well being of the animals there is no need, they are well kept, feed on time and are given a better environment. "

' Better environment? By being used for entertainment. Vicious. ' many thought.

" M-my l-lord, what types of species are kept at t-the z-zoo? " sayeru said.

" All types, mostly. Like lions, tiger, whales, etc. "

" A-and w-what a-about b-bears? " sayeru who was now on the verge of crying asked.

Rok soo just sighed and answered him

" Yes, brears also, afterall they are one of the main attraction. "

Now tears started coming in sayeru's eyes. He asked his one last question.

" A-and H-how much t-time has p-passed since this s-started? "

" I honestly don't know. "

'What? Could it be that this zoo be going on for a long time that even the demon lord didn't know. My species were captivated by the demons for entertainment. Ah, i am thankful for the God, for protecting the remaining tribesman. '

" Sayeru! The liege is calling you!" One Knight came in the hall and called for sayeru.

" Lord kim rok soo, please give me permis-

Rok soo just waved his hand telling him to go.


" My liege. " the bear king bowed.

" Report. " the white masked person sitting and doing his paperwork ordered.


" Go " white star ordered the bear king.

' Hah, to think the demon would just say to me to capture my pawns for his entertainment. Sly bas*ard. I only kept him because he is useful for me. I should give him a visit today. Afterall, we can't keep our guest waiting, now can we. ' The white star thought, laughing manically.

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