The date

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1st POV
I was getting ready for my date with Chad, I need to actually try if I want to go on with my master plan...

*2 hours later"

I was standing outside, waiting for Chad until I see him pull up in a limousine

'Ugh' I think to myself already tired of his presence

"HI CHAD" I say in the highest pitched voice I physically could do

"Hey pretty lady" he says and bites his lip rolling down his window

"Get in~" he says and winks

'Ugh what is with him and his winking' I think again

"Ok~" I say opening the back door to his limo

"Driver, take us away"

I sit there for the whole ride wondering where we're going and trying my best to flirt

We finally arrive at Trader Joe's restaurant edition

"Wow baby, how can you afford this"

"Well you know... it's easy when you're daddy'a rich if you... know what's I mean"

"Haha..." 'this is going well...'

We step inside the restaurant. Dim lights hitting my face right as we walk in. We are soon greeted by what looks like to be an 80 year old man who is somehow hotter than my date

"Table for two, please" my 'date' asks

"Well of course, any preferences to where you want to be seated?"

"In the back under the dimmer lights" Chad says winking yet again

"Your wish is my command~" the waiter says in an oddly sensual way

We then follow him to a table near the kitchen in the back, we are seated at a round, wooden, table under a light fixture that's basically not giving any light once-o-ever, in the dark corner. The waiter lights a red, long, and skinny, taper candle. It seems to be the brightest thing in the whole restaurant

We sit down and are given menus. I try to seem natural and flirt, make small talk, basically anything to stop silence from accruing, by know we ordered our food and were waiting patiently for it to arrive

"So~ you how 'bout we take this date back to my place after we eat and have a little bit more fun~"

"I-i-I mean how could I ever go somewhere that- that has been praised with your presence not to mention somewhere you sleep-..." I say rambling but quickly get cut off

"It's okay baby~, it can be... my... special treat~" he says honestly way sexier than I originally thought he was

I blush not knowing what to do, I'd never been flirted with that hard before

512 words

Next chapter might get a little kinky... by kinky I mean like... not fetish kinky, but there might be something. No, it will not be smut per-say, but you never know. If I do end up putting something I will put a warning at the top for what it will include and I'll try not to but to much story line in that chapter so you can skip over it if you need to :)

Have a nice day/night

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