New school and more chores

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At Jefferson Middle School*

In the main office*

Kevin: daddy i'm bored

Andy: hold on

Ms. Reyes: hi may i help you

Andy: yes i'm here to enrolled my kid in school

Ms. Reyes: what's your kid's name

Andy: Kevin Wilson

Kevin: daddy

Andy: here go sit down and be quiet

Andy hands Kevin his phone and he goes and sit down

Andy: sorry about that

Ms. Reyes: don't worry about i have two boys of my own so i understand

Andy: yeah

Ms. Reyes: okay do you have his transcripts from his last school

Andy: yeah here you go

Ms. Reyes: thank you

Andy: your welcome

Ms. Reyes: you can have a seat the principal will be with you in a minute in the meantime while you wait you can go to the guidance counselor's office Mr. jones it's just right across the hall

Andy: thank you

Andy turns to face his son and tapped him and walked out of the main office and headed to Mr. Jones office

Knock, Knock

At Mr.Jones office*

Mr. Jones: come on

Andy: come on kevin and watch where you're going

Kevin: daddy i'm on level twenty three

Andy shooks his head at this son comment and kept walking

Mr. Jones: hello

Andy: hi i'm Andy Wilson and his is my son Kevin Wilson

Kevin: die your creep die

Andy: kevin

Kevin: what

Andy: don't be rude

Kevin: hello strange man

Andy takes his phone and give him a stare

Kevin: if i say hello can i have my phone back

Andy: yes

Kevin: hello

Mr. Jones: you must be the new student

Kevin: yes and can i play with that

Andy: kevin

Mr. Jones: yes go ahead

Andy: don't break anything

Mr. Jones: cute kid

Andy: thanks

Mr. Jones: have a seat

Andy: thank you

Mr. Jones: okay so i look at his transcripts from his last school and it looks like he needs to be in a one to one setting which we have

Andy: that's great

Mr. Jones: so he's very behind

Andy: but he's in seventh grade right

Mr. Jones: yes that's right but he's on a sixth grade reading level and math level

Andy: how do we get him on the right level

Life with Kevin WilsonWhere stories live. Discover now