Six weeks later

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At Andy's house*

It's been six weeks since Kevin disrespected his dad and things at the Wilson house was almost back to normal Kevin wasn't giving his dad or carter any problems but he still didn't get his phone so he decided to write his dad an apology letter so he did

In Andy's room*

Carter: wake up

Andy: what time is it

Carter: six thirty

Andy: oh my god we have to wake up Kevin

Nosies comes from the kitchen

Carter: what the hell is that

Andy: he's cooking

Andy and carter walks out of Andy's room and sees Kevin cooking breakfast

Andy: Kevin

Kevin: good morning father and carter

Andy: what are you doing

Carter: don't mind your father he sometimes ask stupid questions

Andy: really

Carter: yeah you do look

Andy: what do you want

Kevin: to give you this

Andy: what's this

Kevin: it's a letter from me

Andy: for the last time I accept your apology

Kevin: I know I just wanted

Carter: his phone back

Andy: no

Kevin: but I been good

Andy: and that right there is why I'm not giving your phone

Kevin: what why

Andy: I forgave for calling the b word but you're still grounded

Kevin: daddy please

Andy: Kevin your get your phone back on Monday

Kevin: okay fine i just go get ready for school thank god it's Friday

Carter looks at Andy

Andy: what

Carter: it's been a month how long are you gonna punish him

Andy: you think I unground him

Carter: hell no I think you should give him back his phone I think he's learn his lesson

Andy: fine I'll back right back

Andy goes in his room to grab Kevin's phone and runs up to his room

In Kevin room*

Kevin: come in

Andy: hey

Kevin: hi

Andy: look what you said to me six weeks ago wasn't right and I need you to understand why I'm so protective over you

Kevin: daddy I—

Andy: I'm not done I'm gonna give your phone back but if you misbehave I'm taking back and another where did you learn how to cook

Kevin: carter

Andy: I see here you go hurry up and get ready love you buddy

Kevin: love you too daddy

Andy leaves his sons room and head downstairs

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