Kevin's sexuality

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At Andy's house*

Ana: Andrew sometimes you need to shut up

Andy: what is he talking about

Ana: there were signs

Andy: what kind of signs

Andrew: like you don't know

Andy: shut up I'm not talking to you

Ana: you know like you had

Andy: he's twelve

Ana: we'd always knew he was not into girls

Andy: no you didn't you just believing him again you always fall for it

Ana: why don't you talk to him

Andy: I'm not doing that if he's gay he would let me know if he's ready and two should be ashamed of yourself

Ana: honey

Andy: I expect this for him but not from you mom now both can leave

Ana: honey

Andy: get out

Andrew: galdy you just lost your parents

Ana: you know what I'm gonna come back tomorrow for Kevin alone okay

Andy: yeah okay

Ana grabs her stuff and leaves and Andrew follows her out

Andy: damn it

Three hours later

Kevin and carter walks in with a whole bunch of bags while Andy was watching tv in the living room

Carter: hey bought you a tv

Andy: okay thanks

Carter: hey Kevin why don't you go get the rest of the bags okay

Kevin: okay

Carter: hey man you okay

Andy: yeah why

Carter: because you're sitting here drinking beer and the tv is off

Andy: my parents—-

Kevin: daddy look what uncle carter bought me

Andy: it looks nice show me what's else you got

Kevin: okay

Carter: Andy

Andy: I'm fine hey bud why don't you take this stuff to your room I'll be there in a minute

Kevin grabs the bags and take it to his room

Carter: what's going on you don't drink beer

Andy: yeah I need something stronger

Carter: andy come on what's going on

Andy: my parents are worried about my son's sexuality

Kevin: why

Carter: oh shit

Kevin: it's none of their business

Andy: Kevin

Kevin: if I wanted to be gay that's my business why would they care about my sexuality

Andy: hey it doesn't matter

Kevin: I'm not you they can't just bully me in being someone I'm not

Andy: Kevin

Kevin: no they need to back off

Andy: okay that's enough go to your room

Kevin: of course you defend them

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