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You woke up due to something wet touching your face, you opened your eyes slightly to see your dog licking your face

you chuckled and sat up while your dog kept licking your face.

"I'm awake stop"
you smile as you looked at your dog, and started to scratch his chin
which he replied with a happy tail wag

"come on Y/N it's time to go"
a familiar monotoned voice spoke from behind me

you stood up and stretched, while you finally stood up you kneeled down again to grab your bags and the small bag that contained a small dog who was sleeping peacefully

you turned around to be faced with your brothers and the two boys all set and prepared to go.

you sighed as your eyes met the tall Asian boy that kept you company last night
you gave him a warm smile which he ignored and looked away, proceeding to follow Thomas

you frowned as you walked besides your two brothers
while Leo being in front of all of you running towards the car, you smiled at how excited your dog was to leave this place

while you were walking you felt a small hand grab yours, you glanced to your side to see Tristan holding your hand.

you smiled

"you ok?"
you said as you looked your little brother who was holding your hand while nervously biting his other hand

"When are we going to see mama..?"

he spoke softly

as his eyes start to water

you crouched and scooped him up as you stood up, you felt your older brother's gaze
move towards the both of you and Tristan. while Thomas and Minho listened quietly while walking

"shh.. we're going to meet mama soon we just gotta be patient ok?"
your voice was soft and calm as you comforted your brother

"what if we don't? what if you and brother get hurt?
I'm going to be alone.. I don't want you and brother to go"
he spoke with tears on his eyes as he started to breath heavily

"hey.. breath.. you're not going to lose any of us ok? we'll stay by your side I promise"
you spoke as you patted his back

a voice said behind you and ruffled Tristan's hair
"we are not going to leave you twerp, I'm too important to disappear"

your older brother spoke as he ran a hand through his hair flexing his muscles

You and Tristan giggled as the tears in his face starts to dry off
you rolled your eyes and spoke

"important my ass, you can't survive a day without me"

he scoffed and rolled his eyes
"yes I can, remember I took care of both of u since birth" he sassed

"we're the ones that kept you, cuz without us you're probably in a asylum"
you said smirking both of you knowing that every word you two said was true

your small argument was interrupted by your brother laughing in your arms
both of your heads turned to him and smiled

As all of you reached the car you placed Tristan down and opened the backseat door
"I'm driving, Thomas go sit at the front while Minho sit besides Y/N and Tristan"
Denzel said

you all nodded as you went inside first so you were next to the window while your brother sat on your lap and Minho besides you

while the Leo's head was on Minho's lap and max who was still in his mini bag resting

the car was silent the whole ride
the only thing you could hear was the snoring of your little brother

you were still quite tired but you wanted to stay awake
but sadly your eyes wouldn't allow that as your eyes starts to get heavy
and the last thing you knew your head was on someone's shoulder

and everything turned pitch black


I was grabbing my stuff as we were about to head off
Denzel told us we didn't have to walk since they have a car which was a bonus for me
walking while trying to survive is very tiring

I heard a soft chuckle from the side turning my head to see her chuckling while scratching the dog's chin who was licking her face

"come on Y/N it's time to go"
Denzel spoke who was besides me as he kept his gaze to his sister who stood up and grabbed her stuff

She turned around to face us
as I sighed and started to walk off

but before I could walk off our eyes met
she gave me a soft smile which I ignored by looking away and walking besides Thomas

I glanced a bit to see her once was a smile turn into a frown
my chest felt like it'd been hit by a needle, I looked away completely as i continued walking besides Thomas

as we were walking i heard the two sibling talk
we heard Y/N asking her brother if he was ok which he responded

"When are we going to see mama..?"
her brother spoke softly as his eyes starts to water

"shh.. we're going to meet mama soon we just gotta be patient ok?"
she replied softly trying to comfort his brother who was now in her arms
me and Thomas glanced at each other and quickly focused on walking.

"what if we don't? what if you and brother get hurt?
then ill be all alone.. i don't want you and brother to go"
his brother chocked out as he cried on her shoulder

"hey.. breath.. you're not going to lose any of us ok? we'll stay by your side I promise" she spoke as she patted his back comforting her brother with a gentle tone
another voice then joined there conversation

"we are not going to leave you twerp, I'm too important to disappear"your older brother spoke as he ran a hand through his hair flexing his muscles

as he said that the two of them started to bicker as for me i was lost in thought
'they seem to care for each other a lot even when there's an literal apocalypse
some people would sacrifice their love ones to survive..'
My train of thoughts were interrupted when i heard someone mention my name

"I'm driving, Thomas go sit at the front while Minho sit besides Y/N and Tristan"
Denzel said

i nodded while Y/n got in first then Tristan then the dog and finally me
i sat down next to Y/N awkwardly while the dog laid it's head on my lap which weirdly comforted me

The car had this uncomfortable yet comfortable silence
my thoughts were yet interrupted by a head hitting my shoulder turned my head and saw Y/N
and her brother asleep. i smiled slightly as i laid my head on the window looking outside slightly


I was sitting at the front with Denzel
the silence was quite comfortable

'idk why i trusted this people so quickly but they gave me a feeling that felt safe and comfortable to be around with'
i looked behind me and my face softens

'Minho seems oddly comfortable with the girl quite quickly'
i smiled as i saw the girl and her brother their head was laying on Minho's shoulder while the dog's head was on Minho's lap

'i hope the other's don't mind me bringing company'

"I'll See you on the other side" TMR MinhoWhere stories live. Discover now