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3rd Person POV

Lynn subconsciously paced around her apartment, talking to Frankie. They were discussing bizarre things, Lynn not being sure what had her anxious. She wasn't 'anxious,' per say, just unsettled.

"Do you have any new projects?" Frankie asked, dropping a grape in her mouth, while being leaned over the edge of the couch.

"You're gonna choke eating them like that." Lynn warned, worrying for her friend. "And, not really, I have a small sketch but that's it."

"Can I see?" Frankie asked eagerly.

"Of course." Lynn smiled, going to her messenger bag. "It's not creepy, I had to explain it to Benny."

Frankie raised an eyebrow, confused on what she could be talking about. "Creepy?"

Lynn handed it to her, watching Frankie examine it. "Who's this supposed to be? Who are the other ones that are faceless?"

"It's this band from the bar." Lynn said. "Their name is 'Greta Van Fleet,' they're pretty good."

"So, you think this one's hot?" She said, landing her finger on the singer, the only one with facial features.

"No...he's just the singer, I started with him." Lynn said, not very convincingly.

"How cute." Frankie smiled at her friend, who was shooting a look at her. "Are you gonna give this to them?"

"Maybe, I'm not exactly sure how to go about that." Lynn said. "I'm worried they'd get a restraining order."

"Surely not, they should be honored you drew them, especially since it's you." Frankie was very fond of her friends work, and she was an art major. She was waiting to convince her professor to use Lynn's work in class examples.

"I don't know." I said. "I have whatever you'd call the list of all their gigs."

"You're gonna be like a groupie?" Frankie laughed. "Well, you aren't loose enough to be a 'groupie.'"

"You are very right, and I plan on going to a couple shows so I can finish this." Lynn said. "I'm not sure what my fixation is on them. I think it's literally making me anxious."

"The singers hot for you." Frankie shrugged. "Have you like made any sort of interaction with him?"

"Well, we made eye contact like twice, but that was pretty insignificant." Lynn said.

"It's better than nothing. And, brownie points when you go to their shows. Bands love having consistent people." Frankie said. "I also need to see this guy, what's his name?"

"I don't know." I shrugged. "I just watch from afar."

"I wish you wouldn't." Frankie said. "You need to get some men up in here. You say yourself you prefer them, yet, there is no men."

"Actually getting them to talk is the difficult part. I can't keep conversations with attractive men." Lynn nearly shuddered, thinking about her pathetic love life.

"I'll get you fixed up, at some point." Frankie said, patting Lynn's knee. "Wait, didn't you basically just say he's attractive?"

"Oh my gosh."

Lynn was fairly excited to see the band tonight. The drawing had lingered around her head nearly everyday. She wished to just have the boys sit in front of her until she finished it.

Frankie and Lynn decided that Lynn would get about 30 minutes of alone drawing time before Frankie joined. This time around, Lynn chose a seat a bit closer to the stage, preparing for them to take the stage after this band. She fiddled with her necklaces while she waited.

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