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Josh's POV

I was nervous for tonight. The bigger crowd had a part, but also Lynna. I knew she wasn't going to judge me, but I still wanted to be good. The more I thought about her, the more I psyched myself out.

We also decided we were picking up the girls, it would be easier that way. We were getting them in free, Frankie insisted on calling it the 'groupie pass.' Lynn didn't favor that, blushing nearly every time Frankie said it.

After the night at the party, I knew I liked Lynna. I couldn't ignore it anymore. Something about dancing with her and waking up next to her, it seemed so right. I hadn't truly liked a woman in a while, Lynn awakening that part in me. It was surprising to learn she liked women, I wondered if she thought the same for me.

"Josh?" Jake asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Hm?" I hummed.

"You about ready to go get the girls?" Jake asked, putting his jacket on.

"Yeah." I nodded, gathering my things.

"What're you thinking about?" He asked.

"Nothing." I said, waving it off. He laughed at me, shaking his head. "What?"

"You're thinking about Lynna." He smirked. "It's so obvious."

"I am not." I said, only making him give me a knowing look. "Do you blame me?"

"You're perfect for each other." He smiled.

"What makes you think that?" I asked, following him out the door.

"I don't know, you just are." He said. "You compliment each other well."

I smiled at his statement, thinking about it. I really hoped he was right. He had been teasing me about her for a few days ever since that morning. He really enjoyed Lynn's company, making it even better. They all seemed to like her and Frankie.

We made it to Lynna's apartment, knocking on the door. It was quick to open, revealing an excited Lynna. Frankie was in the back, still getting herself put together.

"You guys ready?" Jake asked.

"I am." Lynn smiled.

"I'm not!" Frankie shouted. Lynna rolled her eyes, looking back to us. She told me this was a usual thing, Frankie never being ready on time. "Okay, okay, I'm ready."

We left the apartment building, Lynna and Frankie catching us up on everything. We were supposed to hangout before now, but we didn't find a break in our schedules. You wouldn't think it'd be so difficult considering we lived in the same complex.

I opened the door for Lynna, making her grow a goofy smile. I loved when she smiled like that, it was so honest. I climbed in the seat infront of her, letting Jake drive.

"Our little sisters gonna be here tonight, she'll probably hangout with you guys." Jake said.

"Is she like, little, little?" Frankie asked.

"No, she's only a year younger than us." Jake said. "Her names Ronnie."

"Oh my god." Lynna suddenly said from the backseat.

"What's wrong?" I asked, confused.

"I think I've met her!" Lynn said. "In the elevator one day, she was visiting you guys."

"What are the odds of you running into our sister?" I laughed. "How did you manage that?"

"I don't know. I just thought she looked familiar, it makes sense now." Lynn said. "She looks so much like you, Jake."

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