Chapter Five

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I pulled up to Sam's house, parking on the street, then just sat there for a minute. It took so much courage just to ask her, but now I'm actually here. Glancing down at my outfit, I thought that I hadn't dressed up enough. My red leather jacket was covering up the sleeves of my black shirt, the studs on my shoulder bringing on a punk theme. Black skinny jeans were tucked into my usual combat boots. In the pocket of those skinny jeans was a necklace that I was planning on giving to Sam at the end of our date. As I walked towards her front door, it was pressed against my thigh and felt like it weighed a ton. I knocked on the door and let out a big breath of air from my lungs, a way to calm myself down.

She opened the door, a big white smile on her face. Her skinny jeans matched mine, but instead of boots, she wore Vans. Her Def Leppard tank top was tight, accenting her small waist and rather large breasts. I felt my cheeks turn red as I dragged my eyes away from them and towards her eyes, which were so bright with greens and browns swirling together in her irises. Her red lips moved in a way that looked incredible, "Hi, Mikey."

I put my hands in the pockets of my jacket, "Hey, Sam. You ready to go?"

She put a small lime green leather bag across her torso so it rested on her hip, "Yeah, absolutely."

I held my hand out to her, and she gladly took it, interlocking our fingers. I kissed her knuckles, then led her to the car. Opening the door for her, I smirked. "You look fantastic, by the way."

Her cheeks turned a shade pinker, "Thanks, Michael. That's really sweet of you to say."

I went to the driver's side, then started the car. My iPod was already plugged in, so I handed it to her, "Pick whatever you want."

She scrolled through the hundreds of artists, deciding on We The Kings. The beginning of Check Yes, Juliet emerged from the speakers and Sam explained, "This is my favorite song."

"This is my favourite by them," I nodded along, then began to strum the chords against my leg with the hand that wasn't on the steering wheel.

Sam just chuckled, then began to hum along. It was a few minutes later, as the song was ending, when she asked, "So where are we going on this date, Mikey?"

I smirked at her, glancing at the way that she was looking out the window and not paying any attention to me. "You'll see, my dear." The zoo was some place that I always wanted to take a girl. As weird as that might sound. As we pulled up, I knew that my surprise wasn't going to last long. I paid for parking, even though Sam said that I didn't have to.

"Oh my gosh! I haven't been the zoo in forever!" Her face lit up and she grabbed my arm with excitement.

I chuckled at her reaction, "I'm glad you think it was a good idea."

"How did you know? This used to be one of my favorite places," She said.

I parked the car, then ran around to her side, opening the door and holding my hand out for her to jump from the SUV. "Uh, actually Maya told me that you liked it."

So, together, we went through all the different houses and paths that displayed all the varying species of animals. Sam's favourites were the tigers in the cat house. We probably spent half the day in there, just watching the different cats walk or how they reacted to a zoo worker bringing them food. While we watched them, my arm was around Sam's waist, our hips touching and her shoulder fit right under my arm. After we stared aimlessly at every single animal, we were walking back to the car and Sam's stomach growled really loudly.

She covered her face, "Oh my God. That's so embarrassing."

I chuckled at her, then pulled her close to me again. "You're fine, hon. Do you want to go get something to eat?"

"I'd love that."

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