Chapter 4

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Dean's Pov

"Goodbye Zandriel, come on Alex,  what's your next class?" I ask. She grabs her schedule.

First Period: Reading 10a
Second Period: Art
Third Period: Algebra 1
Fourth Period: Baking 10a
B Lunch
Fifth Period: Science 10a
Sixth Period: French 10a

"OK well you have Art next with Mrs. Rochelle, and we have first, fourth, and sixth period together so that's good." I say as polietly as possible. "We also have B lunch. So, see you in baking Alex." I start walking away before she can say goodbye. I don't look where I'm going ,and run into a guy in a trench coat.

"Shit." I hear him say ,and he falls on his ass. I start picking up his things he gets up ,and I get up. I'm looking straight in the face of a boy with electric blue eyes ,and the messiest sex hair ever.

"U-um sorry I didn't mean to run into you my names Dean." I stick my hand out for him to shake he slowly shakes my hand.

"Castiel." He brings his hand down.

"Well OK, Cas so do you want to sit at my lunch table?" He blushes.

"Sure let's go." He says it with more confidence. We get to the lunch room ,and I find our table. Everyone's already there.

"Hey, guys this is Cas. Cas that's my brother Sam, Jo, Charlie, Dillon,Cameron, Balthazar, Zandriel, and the newbies Gabriel, and Alexandria." He instantly runs to Gabe ,and Alexandria.

"Hey bro ,and its nice to finally meet you. Gabe, and I figured out today that he is my long lost brother. We lost him when I was five." Cas says excited Alex hugs him ,and Gabe.

"I'm so happy for you both ,and Cas I didn't think we would meet this way but, nice to meet you." Alex says all happy.

"Wow what just happened wait wait I don't care let's get lunch." I say. I guess that kinda means Cas, and Alex are brother, and sister. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I get a double bacon cheeseburger, and go back to the table. Cas is sitting next to me, and Jo. Alex is on the other side with Gabe ,and Sam. Then Balthazar, Dillon, and Cameron are on the sides.

"Hey, Cas want to come over to my house after school?" I ask with food in my mouth.

"Sure ,and don't talk with your mouth full its gross." Cas says with sass.

"Oh Sassy Cassie's gonna get me." I say with my signature smirk.

Castiel's Pov

"You better take that back." I say with a serious look.

"Or what you'll get me." Dean says getting up.

"Dean, don't do it Cas was first in Boston Run, and Track he'll catch you in seconds." Jo says amazed at my speed. "He's as fast as the Flash."

"Maybe,  I want him to catche me." Dean whispers to her. Dean talks with his mouth full again. "Come on Sassy Cassie try, and get me." Dean starts running out the cafeteria door.

"Ahh, Sassy Cassie was my thing."  Gabe says pouting.

"Oh, get over it Gabe shut up." Lucifer says.

"Oh, so Luci are you still having a temper tantrum about Dad liking humans better." Gabe asks.

"Wait how do you know you've been gone for 13 years now." Luci asks.

"Oh, my angel wings ,and powers came in when I was 10 so yes I know everything." Gabe whispers smiling.

"Oh OK then have you told anyone." Luci asks Dean starts walking back in.

"No, not yet." Gabe says smiling at Sam.

"No, your not aloud Gabriel." I say giving him my best bitchface.

"Ooh, I'm gonna tell him tonight." Gabe whispers with a smirk. "Hey,  Sam can I come over tonight so we can study."

"Oh, sure Gabe, Dean do you care?" Sam asks.

"No, not at all Cas is coming over today anyway so who cares. And I don't think Mom, and Dad will care either." Dean says politely.

"OK, then I guess its settled me ,and Gabe are going to your house after school." I say.

"You don't sound so happy about that." Dean says.

"No, I'm thrilled." I say smirking at Gabe.

(Sorry I took so long to update. And sorry this chapter is just a filler but hope you enjoyed I'll probably update soon next chapter will start in Gabriel's Point of View also there will be Destiel Fluff and Gabriel's confession in the next few chapters also sorry for any spelling or grammer mistakes. bye my little demons :3 :3

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