Dark Sleep

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Samantha had two best friends
named Jenny and Amber. Her
father was taking her on a
weekend vacation and she invited
them to come along. Her family
owned a cabin in the woods and
on Friday evening, her father
drove the girls up there.

"See that lake?" asked Samantha
when they arrived. "That's Lake
Samantha. My dad grew up here.
He loved it so much, he named me
after it."

That night, after they had
unpacked their things, the three
girls sat around and thought of
ways to amuse themselves.

"Does anyone have any spooky
stories?" asked Amber.

"I have one," said Jenny. "It's a
true story, too. It happened to a
friend of a friend mine. She was
babysitting these two little kids
one night. She's sitting in the dark
by herself watching TV and the
phone rings. She goes over and
answers it and hears a voice on
the other end breathing really
heavy and it says, Have you
checked on the children?"

"Jenny, come on!" Amber
interrupted. "Everybody's heard
that one. That's the lamest scary
story ever! Does anyone else have
a story? One that's actually true?"

"I know one," Samantha said.
"About 10 minutes hike from here,
there's an old broken-down
house. We passed it on the way
up here. It's out in the middle of
nowhere, tucked away off a
narrow little side-road. A long
time ago, a man lived there. His
family were really wealthy and
they owned hundreds of acres of
land around here.

This man met a simple country
girl from a simple country town
and they fell in love. His family
wasn't too happy about it. They
didn't think the girl was good
enough for him, but he ignored
them. He was an independent
type of guy and he went off and
built a little house on a chunk of
their land, out in the middle of

He married this girl and
everything was wonderful. They
had a daughter and eventually
they had a son. This is where the
story starts to go bad. Their son
was sick. Not physically but
mentally. He was sick in the head.
He wasn't mentally disabled or
anything. He was just a little off.

By the time he was nine years old,
he became too much for his
parents to handle, throwing
temper tantrums, erratic sleeping
patterns, disappearing into the
woods and hiding, that kind of
Not knowing what to do about his
son, the man turned to his family
for help.

His parents had the boy taken
away. They sent him to a place
deep in the woods. It wasn't an
insane asylum, but it catered to
people with special needs, if you
know what I mean. His parents
thought it was for the best.

Over time, the family got used to
not having him around. They
gradually stopped visiting him.
They functioned as if they had
never even had a son and
everything went back to being
wonderful again.

Eight years later, the boy, who
was about 16 or 17 at this time,
managed to escape from the
hospital. The staff did a search,
but he was nowhere to be found.
His family was notified and they
were devastated. They were
worried for his safety. He had
been alone in the wilderness for
weeks and he was probably dead.

But the boy wasn't dead. One
night, he found his way back
home. He crept into his house
and, one by one, he slaughtered
his entire family... His father, his
mother, his sister... All of them
chopped to pieces.

With the blood still dripping from
his axe, he disappeared into the
woods. When the grisly remains
of his family were discovered a
few days later, the townsfolk in
the surrounding area were
horrified. The police tried to find
the boy, but it was no use. To this
day he has never been found.

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