Butcher Shop

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A young woman was walking
down the street, when she saw an
old blind man coming towards
her. He was stooped over and
wore dark glasses and a cane. He
seemed to be having trouble
walking and when he was passing
by her, he almost fell over.

She grabbed his arm and steadied
him and he thanked her for her
kindness. Then he asked the
young woman if she could do a
favor for him.

"Could you please deliver this
letter for me" the blind man said.
"I'm old and disabled and I have a
terrible time finding my way
around the city."

Being a nice person, the girl she agreed to help him and he handed
her a letter with an address
scrawled on the front. As the
young woman turned to walk
away, she happened to glance
back and saw the blind man
walking down the street quite
quickly, with his cane tucked
under his arm. Then, to her
surprise, the blind man took off
his dark glasses and casually
tossed them into a garbage can.

Suspicious, the woman took the
envelope to a nearby police
station. The police went to the
address on the letter, which
turned out to be a butcher shop
owned by an old couple. All
seemed perfectly ordinary until
the police asked the old couple to
open the large refrigerator in the
back of the shop. The old couple
refused so the police had to break
it open themselves.

Inside, they were confronted by a
horrible scene. There were dead
bodies strung up on meat hooks
and shelves stacked high with
chunks of human flesh.

Until now, the police had
overlooked the letter which the
mysterious blind man had given
the woman. When they opened
the envelope, a piece of paper
inside contained one chilling line:

"This is the last one I'm sending
you today".

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