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My name is Dasha and I want to
tell you a story about my last
boyfriend. We met at university.
We accidentally bumped into
each other in the hallway. He
asked me to go for coffee with
him and I agreed. He told me his
name was Norman. We talked
about this and that. He was
handsome and witty. I was very
attracted to him and before long,
we were dating.

Norman was very sensitive and
caring guy, not like my previous
boyfriends. It was like he was
from another planet. He was
always interested in what I
wanted, always concerned about
my needs, but at the same time he
was very masculine. I felt safe
with him.

Everything was fine at first. It was
my friend's birthday and our
whole group gathered in a bar to
celebrate. I was excited because I
brought Norman and I wanted to
introduce him to everyone. Sitting
at the table, we were having fun,
drinking and laughing. Then some
of the guys went outside to smoke
and Norman went with them.
They were gone for five minutes
and when they returned, I was
approached by my friend Simon.

"Dasha, I think there's something
wrong with this Norman guy," he

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, he's kind of strange. He
started talking about his mother,
saying really weird things. Then
he started giggling like an idiot for
no reason. He's not normal..."

"Norman? Not normal? Are you
sure?" I said.

Of course, I spoke with Norman
about it, but he denied
everything. He said my guy
friends were just jealous of our
relationship and they were trying
to drive a wedge between us. I
believed him, especially since
Simon had asked me out on a date
one time and I had to turn him
down. It was possible that he just
wanted to turn me against
Norman and get rid of his

But the more time I spent with
Norman, the more I started to
notice some strange behavior.
Sometimes, he would get a far
away look in his eyes and go silent
for a few minutes. Then he would
start talking again as if nothing
had happened.

And he began to call me...

I put up with his little
eccentricities, because everything
else in the relationship was
wonderful. And then something
happened. It was like a bolt from
the blue. One day, he kidnapped

We at my house and my parents
were out. I went upstairs to get
something. All of a sudden, I felt
him grab me from behind and he
put a handkerchief over my nose
and mouth. It was soaked in some
kind of chemical and within
seconds, I blacked out.

When I woke up, I was in some
shabby apartment with a dirty rag
stuffed in my mouth. My arms and
legs were tied to the bed and I
had a terrible headache. Norman
came in. He put his finger to his
lips and pulled the rag from my
mouth. I immediately screamed
and Vadim slapped me across the
face really hard.

"Don't you dare cry," he growled.
"My mother never cried, okay?"

He untied my hands and gave me
a withering look. He told me that
if I tried to run away, things
would only get worse. Norman
took me into the kitchen and sat
me down at the table. He put a
plate of food in front of me and
told me to eat. All this time, he did
not take his eyes off me for a
second, so I just did as I was told.

When I looked into Norman's
eyes, I could see he was a
complete psycho. How could I
have not seen this in him before?
He smiled at me, as if everything
was normal.

"How are things at work,
Mommy?" he asked.

I had no other choice but to play
along with him.

"All good," I replied.

"So, we'll go on holiday together
next week?"

"Of course," I mumbled.

"Oh, by the way, someone told me
you have a new man in your life,
Mommy. That's not true is it? You
wouldn't do that to me, would you

I saw how angrily he was staring
at me.

"No," I replied.

"Well, I knew it wasn't true," he
grinned. "We don't need anybody
else. We're happy together, just
me and you."

After I finished eating, he took me
into the bedroom and forced me
onto the bed. He tied my hands,
put a gag in my mouth and left.

This was how my nightmare

Sometimes Norman remained
with me for a long time, telling me
how things were going in college.
He always called me "Mom" or
"Mommy". I went along with it,
because I was afraid of what he
might do if I resisted. If I made
one mistake, he would beat me

I was stuck in that dingy
apartment for 6 whole days. My
room was always locked and there
was no clock, so I had to guess
what time it was. Norman would
come and go. I don't know where
he got the money, but he always
brought me food and sweets. He
said, "I love my mother and I want
to make her happy. A boy's best
friend is his mother."

I knew that this couldn't go on.
My parents and my friends were
probably worried sick. I wondered
if they had contacted the police
already. I wondered if anyone was
looking for me. One time, I tried
to reason with him. I tried to
explain that I was not his mother
and he needed to let me go, but
he beat me again like crazy.

On the sixth day, Norman woke
me up as usual and told me he
was going out to buy us breakfast.
I heard the front door close and I
started trying to free myself. I felt
that I could move my right hand a
little. The ropes were not very

It took about twenty minutes, but
I managed to work it free. I
quickly untied myself and rushed
to the door, but of course, I was
firmly locked. I looked out the
window. I was on the fifth floor.

I grabbed a chair and threw it at
the window. With a loud crash,
the glass broke and the chair
landed on the pavement outside,
almost hitting some passers-by.

Leaning out the window, I
screamed at the top of my lungs,
"Help me! He's going to kill me!
Help! He's a psycho!"

And then I saw him.

Norman was standing in the
street with a bag in his hand,
glaring up at me. By the look in his
eyes, I knew the only thing he
wanted now was to kill me. People
were gathering under the
window, so my crazy boyfriend
just turned and ran off.

Ten minutes later, a police car
arrived. The officers broke down
the door and rescued me. I will
never forget the look in my
parents' eyes when they took me
home. I spent the rest of the night
weeping uncontrollably.

It turned out that the police were
already looking for Norman. He
was on the run from the
authorities long before he met
me. He was wanted for a double
murder. His name wasn't even
Norman, it was Ed and he was
actually 30 years old. He had a
history of mental illness and had
been in and out of insane asylums
for most of his life.

Two years before, he had been
living with his mother. He was
completely obsessed with her. His
mother was dating a man and she
brought him home with her one
night. When Norman caught them
together, he flew into a violent
rage. He beat both of them to
death with a hammer and then
just disappeared.

I hope the police will find him
soon, because until they do, I am
too scared to leave my house. If
you want my advice... Be careful
who you date!

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