we lost him

51 2 1

 I ate some food( dandelions ) put anything I didn't need away and grabbed a few things and headed over to the clockers place to steal some cows

I got behind it and tried to find where they were and then I heard bdubs walking around there was a piece of cobblestone

so I broke it and jumped down I saw a bunch of cows when I heard Cleo yell "jimmys downstairs " I yelled back "No, no I'm not "

Cleo and scar appeared behind me and bdubs was blocking me in "You sure it looks like it" I tried getting past bdubs "So you were trying to steal our cows "

I groaned "I only wanted two "Cleo sighed "You could have just asked "uggh "but that's boring and I'm a bad boy"

I tried pushing past bdubs again but failed "yea and I'm a mom and I don't like bad boys " This family concept is so confusing "yea using the mum pass oh um excuse me "

I moved past bdubs but then he pushed me back "No you stay here " why are they so annoying "can I please get a cow "Cleo thought for a second

"Maybe if you ask nicely and give us something" I pulled out a diamond "Like this ?" scar butted in "Your armour " That was a bit much

smallishbeans: Jim do you have grian?

"oh Joel needs you " Cleo laughed "Looks like you have bigger cattle to fry "I pushed past bdubs

soladaritygaming:no why?

I started to make my way up the stairs with the clockers following me

smallishbeans: we may have a problem

smallishbeans: we lost him

end here 

word count:280

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