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I'm sorry if there are any grammar mistake and feel free to correct me ^^

Thank you so much for reading and voting for this story :)
"Don't tell me that we have to go through the sea again...."Gopal said

"Nope you don't have too!"Taufan replied

"But there isn't any other way to get off of this island though?"Ying said

"There is!Through the air!"Taufan said and he used his wind magic to elivate them into the air

"Ahh!Too high!!!"Gopal screamed in fear as they were high in the air

"We have to be so high if we don't then we will get affected by the surrounding's magic"Taufan explained"You don't want to die do you?"

"No,but this is so high....I can literally put my hands through the cloud...."Gopal said in fear

"Don't worry I won't let you fall"Taufan reassured him

"You better don't!I don't wanna die yet"Gopal said with fake tears

"No need to worry,I can control my power very well"Taufan said and he started to bring them to the other side of the sea

"Ufannnnnn can't we go faster?"Blaze whined"We are so flying so slow right nowwwww"

"I can,but Gopal is scared"Taufan replied

"He will be fine!Come on Ufan,let's fly faster!Don't you miss flying fast?"Blaze said trying to convince him

"Hm...."Taufan thought for a moment before giving a reply"Alright!Be prepared we will now fly with a fast pace!"

"Wait wh-"Gopal couldn't finish his sentence as they were now flying super fast

It took them only five minutes to get to the other side of the sea

"I feel dizzy...."Gopal said and leaned against a tree

"Hehe sorry..."Taufan apologized

"That was awesome!I miss flying with you!"Blaze said happily

"Yeah me too!"Thorn added

"Hehe"Taufan giggled then he looked at Boboiboy"Are you okay Boboiboy?"

"Yeah I'm fine don't worry"Boboiboy replied

After they settled down,they walked to their next destination

"Sooo who are we gonna save next?"Taufan asked

"Gempa"Halilintar replied

"Wait wait"Blaze said"Isn't Ice the nearest from us?"

"No"Halilintar replied"Gempa and Ice are both the nearest to us"

"Can’t we save Ice first?"Blaze asked

"No"Halilintar replied"I'm not dealing with you three on my own"

"Aw..."TTM said and sighed

"I guess we can't do much trouble...."Taufan said

"It's fine,we will use the time that we have"Blaze said

"I do miss Gemgem though"Thorn added

"Yeah,but I want to cause some trouble before Gemgem come back"Taufan said

"Yeah me too"Blaze added and looked at Taufan

They had a little starring session and then they both nodded at each other while Thorn was confused

"Look like they have a plan...."Boboiboy though to himself as he saw his older brother's behaviour"And I bet big brother Hali will be the victim...."

It's as if Boboiboy could see the future,because TTM annoyed Halilintar the entire day and also pranked him,but Taufan took the blame.

Halilintar was pissed,but he tried to be as calm as possible.He could understand why they were so hyper since they were finally together after years of being apart.But Halilintar doesn't have much patience and looks like he could kill them at any second....

The four friends just watched them the entire day long and was quiet speechless.They never thought that the mighty spirits could be so chaotic and childish

It was already afternoon when they arrived at a city

"Look like they are preparing for a festival tonight"Yaya said

There were a lot of people at the plaza and they were all preparing for a festival and decorating the place.

"Can we please stay here and go to the festival?"Taufan asked while Blaze ,Thorn and Boboiboy looked at Halilintar with hope in their eyes

"Sure,it's getting late anyway.We can find a place to sleep here"Halilintar replied

"Yay!"They shouted happily

They booked a room from a tavern to sleep for the night and went to the festival

"Wow,they really did a good job decorating it"Ying praised and Yaya nodded in agreement

They went through the festival when they suddenly heared someone saying that there were gonna be a special item at the auction tonight

"An auction?It must be illegal"Fang said

"Can we go there?"Blaze asked

"Why would you want to go there???"Gopal asked confused

"There could be some useful item,you never know"Blaze replied

"But it's illegal"Ying said with a strict tone

"And?"Blaze asked

"You can get arrested for it"Ying replied

"I won't"Blaze replied

After a few disagreement they finally decided to go to the auction

"Wait wait is that my hoverboard!?"Taufan whisper-yelled

"So that where your hoverboard went after you got locked,they stole it"Blaze said

"Oh hell no!That's mine!"Taufan said with an irritated tone

"Taufan calm down"Halilintar said"We will get it back,don't do anything stupid"

"I'm sorry Hali,but it's my precious hoverboard!"Taufan said and flew to the stage

"Just great...."Halilintar said with an annoyed tone"Be prepared to run"

Taufan attacked the people on the stage and took his hoverboard

"A thief!"The seller said

"You're the thief!This is my hoverboard!"Taufan yelled and attacked them again

"Agrh!"The seller winced in pain as he got thrown to the wall by Taufan's magic

Taufan flew to the other and elevate them before flying in a fast pace to the woods.They were getting chased,but the other couldn't keep up with them and they manage to escape

"I miss you so much my precious hoverboard"Taufan said as he hugged his hoverboard

"He sure does love it huh...?"Fang said

"Yup"Boboiboy replied"He doesn't like it when someone use his hoverboard without permission"

"I need Gempa...."Halilintar mumbled to himself and facepalmed

I hope you enjoyed ^^

I just realized that I forgot to write an important chapter ;-; I will fix it soon,maybe later when I have motivation

I'm surprised no one noticed 😀 Oh well good for me :)

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