The basics

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Chapter by: Zagreus

This chapter I'll give you a run down of the basics you'll need to know getting into the craft for the first time. Maybe you're brand new or maybe you've been a causal believer but want to get deeper into it. Either way these are the starting points given to you by sir blood and rebirth himself.

Do what feels natural
Basically, don't force yourself to do things you don't vibe with. You don't have to practice the same way as other people, have a particular label or fit any stereotypes. I will say that if you have a family history of craft or it's in your cultural background it can definitely help you find a path that feels more connected to you, but you don't have to follow it if you don't want to. I mean our history is in Italian craft and we don't really do much if that, you can stray away if you want to. As long as you aren't partaking in any closed practices (hoodoo, voodoo, Native American craft etc) you're not allowed to practice you're basically able to do whatever you like with your craft.

No cultural appropriation ok?

You don't need to be specific about it, but if you do find a path or label that fits you, then by all means go head first into it.

I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH your first spell/incantation etc should ALWAYS be protection. Opening yourself up to magic means negative things are out there and will take notice of you if you're not protected. Protection is as easy as having something on you or being in a protected area. Always have some level of protection.

Things you can use:
-the evil eye
-casting a circle
-black onyx or obsidian
-sell jars
-salt circles
-the colour black

Mainly history, history is important to understanding the world as a whole but particularly in witchcraft. Especially if you're looking into practicing a particular type. We all know about things like the witch trails, but looking into the history of oracles and healers as well as old folk beliefs can help shape your understanding of how long this has been around and how it's spread and changed around the world. And thus, finding the right path for you.

As for things involved in practicing, we're making sure everything he put in here is widely known accurate stuff. But if you want to know something much more specific, trying to find accounts of it that date back to the pre-internet era generally shows it's not likely to be misinformation.

Altars and tools
Now you don't even need these, but they do help and if you do, you don't need anything fancy. Just a shelf or spot in the corner will do for an altar space.
*Note: for those who don't have English as a first language, altar with an A is referring to a sacred space. Alter with an E is the system kind, me. They're not interchangeable.
Anyway, you don't need fancy tools by any means. You can get candles at dollar stores, find plants, sticks and rocks to use out on your daily walk.

If you do want to buy things, there's witch kits on Etsy, often there's little metaphysical stores around cities and things like herbs are literally in grocery stores. You can get tools from anywhere.

Deities, spirits, familiars etc.
You by no means have to work with anyone in your craft, but if you do want to get to that point, I'd suggest waiting until you've practiced long enough you're confident in your abilities. It's good to have the knowledge even if you don't plan on interacting anyway, so you don't accidentally do something like piss off the fae. A lot of magic beliefs come from ancient religions and crafts anyway, so it can be helpful in understanding where certain beliefs come from.

Finally, be logical.
While yes craft can aid you, you can't replace things like medicine with it. By all means do a spell for your cold or drink some herbal tea but ALSO go to a doctor if it gets bad. You can't replace science with magic, you can by all means use magic as a little helper but don't go doing something like putting a crystal in your bra and expecting it to cure cancer or something. Remember some things are just out of our control, without chaos there is no order. You can't change everything with magic, but if there's a reputable solution like medicine, take that solution.

Alright, there's my basics. As the chapters go on we'll do them in a kind of step by step guide way. Each chapter will be something you can work toward and it'll get more complex as we go on. Take your time, do what feels right and blessed be.

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