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Chapter by: Zag and Hypnos

So you want to set up an altar? That's a good first step. Again, you don't need one. But a lot of people like having them because it keeps things organised and provides a place for you to focus on your craft. It doesn't have the be big, it can be a windowsill, a bedside table, a shelf, a corner, anything.

You can even have portable ones in tins and boxes.

Now a SHRINE on the other hand is an area specifically for offerings. You can leave offerings on altars too, but some prefer to have a separate space for their deity/spirit stuff.

There's no set way to organise an altar, but at needs to at the very least have a candle, be protected and have some kind of cleansing tool. You also don't need an altar cloth but they can be very useful for keeping things clean, you just throw it in the washing every so often. And can be a form of symbolism or a guide on where to place things.

The only thing I'd say to keep in mind is where you put it if you work with a deity/spirt etc. like if you worked with someone who prefers the dark it'd be best to put it in a darker area.

What we'd suggest putting on an altar:
-wax melts
-altar cloth
-tarot cards
-statues/figures of whatever you work with
-flowers/herbs/leaves etc.
-shells/sticks/rocks etc.
-your book of shadows
-books on witchcraft in general
-decor that fits your craft
-rune stones
-ritual knives
-prayer beads
-sentimental items

Here's a few examples we've found around the web in varying sizes to get an idea.



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