Sigils and symbols

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Chapter by: Zag and an unnamed helper alter (who may show up eventually, he's still thinking about it)

Symbolism is massive in witchcraft. Pretty much everything can tie back to symbolism. Colours, scents, placement of things etc. and that's how sigils work.

A sigil is a symbol that represents a certain action, incantation or goal. There's a ton of ways you can make a sigil, and a ton of already established recognisable ones.

The pentagram/pentacle is one (note: pentacle is the one inside the circle), the eye of Horus/Ra is one, the Ankh is one, the evil eye, the solar cross the witches knot all of them are types of sigils.

Basically if it's a drawn symbol, and it represents the intention of something it's a sigil. There easy ways to cast things, you can put them pretty much anywhere and you can make them with just a pen an paper.

An easy way to make one with your set intention is to use the letter method. Example:

1) pick your intention and write it down. Let's say: "I am protected"

2) take out any repeated letters and vowels:

3) use the remaining letters to make a symbol

3) use the remaining letters to make a symbol

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Boom, sigil. Crated with the intent (the phrase you chose) and made using the intent.

Thats just one method, of course you can use any symbol. But because symbolism is such a big part of the craft, using symbols associated with the intent makes it not only easier to remember but a lot more clear what the intent is. Example:

Very obviously, the lines represent the rays of the sun and the round centre the sun itself

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Very obviously, the lines represent the rays of the sun and the round centre the sun itself. The sigils intent is aid from the sun and by making it resemble the sun, that intent is very clear.

If you really want to supercharge it, drawing it in the right colour, charging it with the right materials etc can boost it. We'll definitely be doing a whole chapter on colour, scents, plants and crystals etc soon so come back for that.

As long as your intent is clear, and when you draw the sigil onto something you're doing it with the intention of casting the power of said sigil, you've done it right. Sigils are a super easy craft to start with, they can be made from anything and put anywhere. A whole spell can be put it into one or just something as simple as protection.

You can easily carry one on you at all times, with something like a slip of paper in your pocket or a necklace charm or if you're super dedicated to it, something like a tattoo. Have one on your alter, in your bag, on your front door, literally anywhere and you've got a quick and easy way to have that intention and power with you when you need it.

And that's the basics is sigils! Good luck and blessed be!

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