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Aelia and Blair peacefully eat their lunch, conversing about just random things.

"Can I just ask, What faction are you in?" Aelia asked her friend who then faced her then smirked.

"You try and guess." Blair said challengingly.

Aelia stared at her, scrutinizing the older woman who still have a mischievous little smirk on her lips.

"Is your power more physical or strategic?" Aelia asked, if blair answered physical, it's either she's Transformation, elemental or emanation, if Strategic then it's Manipulation or enhancement. Specialization are either, depending on their ability.

"A little bit of both, but more on strategic." Blair raised an eyebrow aware of her friends way of finding out.

"Do you have any other special abilities?" She asked again.

Blair nod.
"But I'm not gonna say what is it."

"Boo." Aelia sighed.

"What's your guess?"

"I say Enhancement." Aelia breathed doubtful, But she just don't see Blair as a manipulator. Much like Kali, 'but kali is a manipulator'

"Close, I'm from manipulation." blair chuckled at her friend.

"You are?" Aelia asked sounding surprised.

"You sound so surprised do I not look like I'm from manipulation?"

"Your face look so innocent plus, You're very kind. That's why I said you are from enhancement." Bella explained.
"I would think Kali is from enhancement too, honestly, if she didn't told me she's a manipulator."

"You believe in those stereotypes which said that manipulator's are usually bad and cunning, always wants to get their way?"

"What? No! It's not like that." Aelia tried to appease her friend afraid she'll get mad. But the other just raised an eyebrow.
"Okay. I'm sorry" the younger bow her head out of shame.

"Manipulators are usually misunderstood due to the fact that a lot of those who are blacklist fugitives are our kind. Most criminals are manipulators, that is why we are painted as a powerful but evil faction."

"I'm sorry." Aelia then apologized again more ashamed than before.

"It's okay. But trust me, most manipulators are not that bad and factions are not based on how someone look." Blair stated and just as she finished talking, a commotion ensued making the two woman jerk their heads toward the direction

"Bitch! Are you not going to say sorry?" A big guy spat at the woman standing infront of him staring at him unapologetically.

The woman did not say a word, just stared.

"What? Can't you talk? You fucking spilled my food" the man seething with anger stepped closer to the woman who Aelia presumed spilled his food.

The woman did not even flinch.

"I'm speaking to you stupid bitch!" The guy shouted pushing the woman.

"Wrong move, jackass." Aelia heard Blair whispered. "Shouldn't have done that."

In a blink of an eye, the seething man flew from one side of the cafeteria to the other, slamming his body on the wall which make Aelia flinch.
"Ouch!" Aelia reacted, imagining how painful that must be.

Everyone was shocked, eyes focused on the guy who is now unconscious on the cafeteria floor, wondering if he can still get up, so they missed the millisecond red glow that appeared on the woman's neck which made her flinch a little bit.

Aelia saw it though, her 20/20 vision is an advantage.

Bella kept looking at the woman, she's standing there unmoving for a few second before she turn around to walk away, while doing so, her eyes travel to where Aelia and Blair was sitting, they accidentally made eye contact for a split second and in those split second, Aelia felt familiarity, those brown eyes look familiar it feels like those eyes stared at her before.

"Who was that?" Aelia unconsciously asked, staring at the retreating figure of the woman.

Blair turned back to her
"That was Hunter, he's an arrogant jackass who thinks he's the strongest in the academy. I say that serves him right."

"Not him, Her." aelia pointed out.
"Who's she?"

"Oh, that's Azriel. Very mysterious woman, never seen her talk or interact with anyone. He's kind of scary and according to rumors,

She was sent here cause she tried to kill her mother."

Aelia, startled at the information widen her eyes and stared at blair.
"What?" She asked not hiding how surprised she is.

"That's what I've heard." Blair just simply said like the accusation she just let out is nothing serious.

"That's a big accusation, blair." Aelia scolded her friend.

"It's not like I created those rumors." Blair defended.
"She got here last year. When I first saw her she was all bruised up in almost all the visible parts of her body. I never seen her talk to anyone, so no one here knew which faction she belong to but we've already expected she's like very strong."

"And when does the rumor about her trying to kill her mother started?"

"Few days after she arrived. Rumors came from the seniors actually so everyone started believing it."

"That's bullshit!" Aelia exclaimed. She's not quite sure why she feels like she should defend the woman. She don't even know her, but just the thought of people spreading huge accusation about you just does not sit right with Aelia.

"Why are you getting worked up about it? Do you personally know her?" Blair asked eyeing her friend suspiciously.

"No. I just feel bad about her." Aelia dismissed while going back to eating her food, she took a quick glance at the man named hunter and he was still there on the ground but now sitting up with a few students surrounding him.


It was after class and Aelia was walking back to her dorm when she caught a glimpse of the woman earlier at lunch, Azriel.

Out of curiosity, she watched the woman who has her back facing her. Aelia could not help but to think about this woman, those eyes. Brown eyes that appeared into her mind a couple times during class. She just can't shake it off.

Curiosity killed the cat, they said but Aelia is not a cat so she just hopes her curiosity won't kill her as she follows the woman who appears to be heading towards the direction of the field.

10 steps distance, Aelia estimated the distance between her and Azriel as she continues to follow her. She's being very close to the woman but Aelia seems to not care.

Not until the woman suddenly halts in her steps so Aelia do the same thing making it look more obvious she's following her. Ooops! Aelia thought.

"Why are you following me?" Aelia heard the woman spoke, back still facing her.


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