The Start Of My Journey

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They say to every person is an interesting story, but my story starts very weird and is probably the most random start to faith. It all started on the 11th of November 2016, I had just left college and looking to find work with a company based in High Wycombe, which was going very well at the time but on the way to High Wycombe, I was just coming out of Heronsgate in Hertfordshire when I had been involved in a crash to which we still don't know the corse, When I went to Volunteer at Youth Club in Chalfont ST Peter, I had mentioned what had happened to the car as at that point it had been almost a month since I has been there and when they heard they were asking what had happened and if I was okay bur then I got an invite from one of the lovely ladies from Church and that Sunday, I started going, now, at first, I was kinda quite and didn't know anything so I kept to myself a bit but as time moved on I got more comfortable and just over a year later, I got baptised, and my faith has been growing ever since, now when I say that, I did have my ups and downs but I always had people by my side and making sure I was okay and to see if I needed any help along the way, this is when I met a Christian YouTuber who had quite following and helped me start my own YouTube.

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