A new start!

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Now, when I call YouTube, a new start, I kind of had already started it, but it was just like short, 5 or 10 minute vlogs at the most but I always found myself thinking what if what if, what if I didn't stop what if I just kept going what if I just put in just that little bit more effort and actually tried.

There are so many things you can count on when it comes to YouTube, the analytics and how much you share the fact that you have YouTube channel now granted I only have about 100 subscribers on my YouTube channel compared to my TikTok where I have like 5000 but, Have I let that stop me yet?

At the point where I am writing this, I do upload on a weekday basis, but there's always a few things along the way to watch out for.
Such as your budgeting travel to get to places you want to film now I've been blessed with a car but that doesn't always mean that I have been able to get to the place that I want to film every single time either because of breakdowns on the car, flat tyres or just something personal.

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