Chapter 3 - Al and Mia

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The next day, she spent the entire time taking her sister to different places. It was a cheat day for Al as well. She checked her watch and saw that it was almost time for her shift. She told Mia that she had to go and promised to see her again next month. Mia nodded and tried not to cry. She understood that Al was doing this for their future, but she missed her so much. She watched as Al boarded the bike and waved goodbye. She collected all the reasons she had not quit at that very moment.

Al put on her helmet and activated the communication device. She heard the voice of her commander, who briefed her on the situation. The president was going to attend a meeting with the leaders of other countries, and there was a high risk of an attack from the rebels. Al and the other bodyguards had to escort him safely and be ready for any trouble.

Al felt a surge of adrenaline as the bike approached the landing site. She saw the president's limousine waiting for him, surrounded by security agents. She also saw a crowd, holding signs and chanting slogans against the war. She wondered if they had any idea how bad things were.

She got off the bike and followed the president as he walked towards his car. She scanned the area for any signs of danger, but everything seemed normal. She relaxed a bit and hoped that the meeting of peace would go smoothly.

She was wrong.

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