Chapter 4 - Trouble finds her

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As soon as the president got into his limousine, a loud explosion rocked the ground. Al felt a blast of heat and debris hit her face which cut her cheek. She stumbled back and looked around, trying to figure out what happened. She saw smoke and flames rising from a shuttle, which had been blown up by a bomb. She also saw bodies lying on the ground, some of them wearing uniforms like hers, people who were guarding the president from far and onlooking the crowd.

She realized that she had just survived an assassination attempt.

She grabbed her gun and ran towards the limousine, hoping that the president was still alive. She heard gunshots and screams coming from all directions. She saw people emerging from the crowd, wearing masks and carrying weapons. They were attacking the security agents and trying to get to the president.

Al reached the limousine and opened the door. She saw the president cowering in his seat, covered in blood and glass shards. He looked at her with fear and relief in his eyes.

"Help me! Please!" he begged.

Al hesitated for a moment. She felt a surge of anger and disgust towards him. He was the reason why she had to leave her sister behind. He was the reason why her country was in chaos. He was the reason why so many people hated him and wanted him dead.

She wondered if she should let him die.

But then she remembered her oath.

She was a bodyguard.

She had to protect him.

She pulled him out of his seat and dragged him towards another car, which was still intact. She hoped that it would start and take them away from this hell.

She didn't know if they would make it out alive.

She didn't know if she would ever see Mia again.

She didn't know if she was doing the right thing.

But she did it anyway.

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