28: The Panic

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Bruce slept in a different tent from the rest of the kids, feeling far more unsafe than he had ever felt before.He felt like every protection he had ever had was slipping away and he had to check with Raes to make sure the other wasn't fading away.

Also, he didn't want to give any of the kids cancer. Ever since the Worth incident each time he felt intense emotions or a sudden spike of emotions he basically oozed gamma radiation, he knew if not for the calm way the kids treated hindering the car ride they would have died of radiation poisoning.

His theory was that this was happening because Raes is less subdued and more in the open than he ever was before.

Bruce really didn't want to think about that. But he had to he had to process that he almost fucking killed himself... and had no reaction to it, he had to process that he killed and injured dozens of people. He had to process the numbness he's been feeling.

But he didn't want to. He wanted to curl up in this ball of numbness he now had. He'd heal in his own time.

Bruce felt a bit queasy so he laid, splayed out on the grass out side his already made tent, it had taken a while but he managed to put up the tent eventually. The pale man groaned, regretting the taco of yesterday, or was it the burrito of this morning? He didn't give a shit. He was in pain and the world was spinning around him.

He grunted loudly and slowly sat up as a skull splitting headache hit him. Opening his eyes, the world was spinning and his vision- yeah, he had totally lost his glasses. Fuck, he could feel the bile rising in his throat. He shakily stood up and walked with the grace of a newborn colt towards a tree, ok he wasn't too sure it was a tree, where he violently retched and hacked, letting out everything in his stomach. He kept retching minutes later even though his stomach was totally empty.

With a soft groan Bruce tumbled into the tent and fell asleep on impact. He didn't close the tent, neither did he notice the hulking figure glaring at him from the woods.

Instead he hoped he didn't break his glasses from his fall and thought: 'I cannot afford a hospital visit right now.'



Every comment, every  vote, it spurs me on to write more. I have written so much in the past two weeks that I've almost finished writing this book so I can start up on the sequel. I just feel so much better about myself due to the support I've gotten. I'm planning so much for this series and I hope you'll be here for it.

I've been overlooked all my life with 6 siblings who are all better than me and now, I feel so seen, thanks so much for... Everything!

I love you all!

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