Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

 Days were passing by so slowly, I couldn't cope with school anymore, I was so fed up by everything. All I did was eating, sleeping and making videos, I didn't bother studying at all, I was disgusted by my teachers and by being harassed every single day.

- Oh, look, isn't this our little star? - Clara, girl who kept bullying me, has just collided with me.

- You're smarter when your mouth are shut. - I said, trying to leave her side.

- What did you just say? - I rolled my eyes on her.

- Leave her alone or you'll be picking your teeth off the floor, and I'm not even kidding. - Vanessa snappet at her behind me. She hated it when people bullied me.

- She's not worth it, let's go. - Vanessa and I left the school building and we headed to hers. - Where's Victoria? - I asked her.

- Oh, she had to go to the dentist. - I nodded in agreement and kept walking.

We were chatting about things and listening to music until we reached her house. She unlocked the door and we instantly headed to her room. I threw myself on the bed, sighing loudly. Vanessa did the same. 

- What shall we do? - I asked her.

- Homework? - we both burst out laughing at that comment. - I know! - she suddenly jumped out of bed and brought her laptop. - We'll watch Jack and Finn's videos! - she smiled cheekily.

- Remind me how I'm the obsessed one? - she laughed at my remark and punched me lightly.

- I can't help iiiiit, they're so cute! -

- You mean, Finn's cute. - I pulled my tounge on her. She had a thing for Finn, she fancied him a lot. - Just please, go first on my channel to see how many views I've got. - 

We were on my channel reading out the comments for my last video and then we went back to watching Jack and Finn.

When she finally decided to rest, I took the laptop and logged into my Twitter. My mentions were blown up as always, but a single tweet caught my eye.

'@ZozeeBo can't believe I've just found about @TonksRants ! Girl is really good, check out her videos!' IS THIS REAL LIFE?!

- OH MY GOD, THIS IS NOT HAPPENING! - I started screaming and jumping on Vanessa's bed.

- What? What happened? - I pointed to laptop, unable to say anything. - No way! - her mouth fell wide open.

- Freaking Zoella just tweeted about me, DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!? - I was fangirling.

- She followed you too, and so did Alfie! - Vanessa said.

- You're kidding, right!? - she wasn't. They were following me. - OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD! - I was close to hyperventilating.

- They're watching your channel, this is mental! - Vanessa exclaimed.

- I have to make a video about this. - I pulled the camera out of my bag and clicked the record button. - Hello lovely people! So, a surreal thing happened just now! I was casually chilling with Vanessa, say hi!, and I logged into my Twitter when I almost experienced a heart attack! ZOELLA TWEETED ABOUT MY CHANNEL, AND THAT'S NOT IT; HERSELF AND ALFIE FOLLOWED ME WHICH MEANS THAT THEY'RE WATCHING MY VIDEOS WHICH IS HARD TO BELIEVE, THIS IS ALL JUST A DREAM, AND YES, THIS IS ME CALM! - I was literally screaming to the camera.

- I'm super excited for Antonia, she deserved it, thanks guys for following her and noticing her! - Vanessa was now holding my camera talking to it.

- I still can't believe it. - 

- Well, you might as well start. Okay, guys, comment down below if you're excited as much as we are! - 

- I have to call everyone. - I said, still in state of shock. - Bye everyone, make sure you click thumbs up and all those things, Oh God, Bye! - Vanessa was uploding the video for me while I was calling everyone explaining what had just happened.

- Uploaded! - Vanessa shouted behind me.

- I think I'll pass out. - 

- Breath in, breath out.. - I punched Vanessa, laughing. - I have a famous friend! - she hugged me.

- Well, you're famous, too. Let's face it, you're in almost every video of mine or you've filmed me, my whole channel would suck without you! - 

- Oh, don't get all emotional now! - 

- My emotions are pretty hightened right now. - I laughed.

- Hey, imagine if Jack and Finn started watching your channel and Finn saw me and he instantly falls in love with me! - she said in her dreamy voice.

- Wishfull thinking! - I threw a pillow at her.

- Let me be happy for a moment, will you!? - 

- Sorry, you'll marry Finn and you'll have cute little babies! Alright? -

- Hey, if you say so! - she shot her hands up and I burst out laughing. Life would definiteljy be boring without her.

Soon after, I went home still thinking that all of this was just a dream and that I'll wake up any moment now. This isn't happening was replying over and over in my head, it was too difficult for my brain to process this kind of information. Two of my 'idols' watching my videos, that's just freaking crazy!  

You had me at 'heeellooo!'. - Marcus Butler/Finn Harries FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now