Aug 9 - The Kruger

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Written by: NovaNicalynn


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August 9, 9:50 AM

I heard the loud splintering of trees breaking before I saw them. A wall of gray and ivory crashed through the thick brush, and I could all but feel the earth shudder under their combined weight.

A jolt of adrenaline coursed through my body.

Fight or flight—I had no chance at either.

"Brace yourselves," I managed to yell.

The last thing I saw before tucking my head between my knees was the massive tusk sliding under the cruiser. The elephant's massive body slammed into the side of the vehicle. Glass shattered, and cold fragments fell into my collar and scraped down my back.

My stomach churned at the sensation of tumbling as the cruiser flipped.

I dropped from my seat and landed on the roof at an awkward angle. A searing pain spread like wildfire through my shoulder and down my arm.

Moans and grunts sounded next to me, but they were drowned out by heavy feet stomping by. The dust they kicked up made it hard to see if there was an end to the parade. The cruiser jerked as each passing body bumped it further off the road. All I could do was brace and pray. I was one jolt away from falling out of the cruiser and being trampled.

Finally, it quieted. The trumpeting faded, and the dust settled.

I lay motionless. My eyes stung, but I kept them shut. I was hyper-aware of my breathing, and as I inhaled and exhaled, I took inventory of my body.

"Everyone alive?" Bongani groaned from the driver's seat.

Next to me, Vusi grunted as he twisted his body upright.

"Freaking elephants," Hendrik grumbled and he kicked out the shattered windshield. "Out of their minds," he mumbled while hoisting himself from the cruiser.

"Johan?" Vusi touched my arm.

"Yeah," I managed.

Bongani reached through my broken window and pulled me out.

I held my breath as my body was dragged over the glass shards.

"Johan?" Bongani waved his hand in front of my face.

"Just give me a second." I slowly sat up and touched my shoulder.

"We don't have a second." Hendrik kicked my boot. "Get up."

"Shut up, Hendrik, the elephant slammed into his side. Look at the door." Bongani scoffed.

I glanced up at the crushed door. My shoulder must have taken the hit. "I'm fine." I rolled the joint. Movement was good. Pain was tolerable. The nerves and tissue were intact. "I think it's just a strain, a sprain at most."

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