Aug 7 - The Dare

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Written by: cayleighkennedy

Written by: cayleighkennedy

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August 6, 10:43 PM

"Darien, truth or dare?"

"Why is it always me?" Darien asked across their makeshift circle. The four friends sat clustered beside the back tire of Jacob's truck.

"Truth or dare," Jacob repeated, wrapping an arm around Katherine.


Nova settled back into the grass next to Perch Lake and stared at the stars.

Her mother would've loved this: the night sky, the stars, the warm, humid breeze sweeping through the area. Her mother would've—

Chest aching, Nova sat up, her fingers automatically going to her collarbone. But there was nothing there.

And there never will be. The reminder made her eyes sting.

Around them, the summer air was sticky and humid in a way that hollowed out her chest. This weather, the water, it all felt familiar, even though it wasn't home. Instead, Sparta, Wisconsin, was closer to the border of Minnesota and where their families had evacuated to three days ago.

Three days. Nova glanced out over the water again. Three days since she'd left all her favorite places, her mother's favorite places, behind.

Her fingers found her collarbone again. I shouldn't have given it to Dad to hold. But she'd been so scared to lose it.

And now she'd lost it, anyway.

Jacob grinned. "I dare you to kiss Nova."

Nova jolted back to the present. What? Her gaze shot to Darien.

And Darien... only watched her. Wasn't he supposed to hesitate? Or put up a fight?

"Well, a dare is a dare." Darien wiped his hands on his sweatpants and stood. "Nova—"

Each of their phones lit up simultaneously. Nova's stomach dropped as a blue "24" appeared on the screen.

Midnight. Eastern Time.

They sat in silence, staring at their devices.

Nova sucked in a breath as, after thirty seconds, it finally disappeared.

Darien coughed. "Okay, group dare!"

"What?" Katherine and Jacob echoed. Nova bit back a smile.

"Group dare," Darien said again. "Come on."

"You're so—" Katherine cut herself off. "Whatever. Fine."



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