Aug 4 - The Adventure

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Written by: authorelizasolares


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August 4th, AFTERNOON

I've never been on the run before. And I don't think I like it.

But I've been doing it since that blasted object first arrived overhead.

Didn't have much choice when the government was scrambling like ants in the rain and everyone was busy pretending they knew how to prepare for the worst. My scientist mother and former military father picked our whole family up and walked us away from anything I'd ever known.

Which is sort of how I ended up here, in this nearly-abandoned gas station in somewhat rural Alberta, clutching the two most important items in the world: my mother's favourite necklace and a letter I received mere hours before we had to evacuate.

The young woman behind the counter wears a red polo shirt, a tight ponytail and a ridiculously large smile. "May I interest you in a selection of our artisan corn products?"

"Those are corn nuts." I balance my borrowed blue bike against one of the walls of the small confectionary.

"Yes they are," she replies, completely ignoring my dishevelled clothing, my illegally parked bicycle, and the aisles of nearly empty merchandise behind me. "But they are a lovely treat for such a warm day as this."

"I'm just here for some water and a map."

"Maps are at the back."

I follow her directions to a small wire rack in the corner and spin the display, wondering why they still carry so many paper maps in this day of cell phones at everyone's fingertips. But I guess I should be glad of it, now that my cell phone is no more than a glorified paper weight.

And, given how I'm only here right now because my old map flew out of the basket of my bike somewhere on highway nine, it isn't even very useful as a paper weight, if I'm being honest.

My fingers find the pendant of my mother's necklace as I spin the display, the impossible task of finding my own way taunting me as I do. You can do anything you put your mind to, mija, she would say if she was here. Never forget that you can.

I'm annoyed at myself because I wish she were here. I'm supposed to be finally making my own way in the world and I'm clinging to my mother's necklace like it's life support.

"Can I help you find something?" the bright young girl asks, startling me back to the task at hand.


"Oh don't you worry, I know maps. Where are you off to?"

Where am I off to? I'm off to meet a man I've only ever met in letters and emails and text messages.

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