Chapter 42 - Paper Shuffle

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The Sports Festival was finally over.

Unfortunately, the school didn't allow any time off from the grueling festival. As school was back in swing the following week.

It was mid-October now, and the air was getting chilly outside.

And currently, the entire student body of ANHS stood in its massive gymnasium as we watched the Student Council ceremony.

There was 'apparently' an election being held, but the Student Council was a prestigious club in ANHS, so there weren't actually newly elected members.

The ceremony was to honor the outgoing members while swearing in the new ones. But most first-years could care less as they dozed off during the ceremony.

President Horikita took center stage to give his final remarks as President.

"I am proud to have led this student council for two years. I am very grateful for this opportunity. Thank you very much."

Huh, that's it. Well, I didn't exactly peg him to be the extremely emotional guy. He definitely wasn't going to cry during this speech, but that was very unemotional.

Former Student Council President Horikita, retreated back to his original position as it was time for the new President to be sworn in.

I took a quick glance toward Horikita from my class before she would've cowered away from even looking at her brother. But now, she remained steadfast and looked toward her brother, filled with determination.

"Now," a random Student Council member approached the microphone. "We'd like to welcome Nagumo Miyabi, second-year Class A, and the next Student Council President, to say a few words."

Really? That guy was the new President. I found him annoying already, but to be the President now. That gave him a lot of unchecked authority in this school. What a bother.

Nagumo took the microphone and started his speech.

"Hello. I'm Nagumo. Student Council President. First, I'd like to thank, Horikita-senpai for his strict yet kind guidance he's given me. It's been an honor to serve alongside you."

He turned toward Horikita-senpai and gave him a deep bow before turning back to the student body.

"Now, I am very excited at the opportunity of being Student Council President at this fine school."

When did this guy start acting so polite?

"This may be sudden. For my first order of business, I pledge to change the term length for student council members, as well as the election method. From now on, the student council members will have indefinite terms while attending school, so they may serve until graduation. We'll also reform how council members were previously selected and clear any restrictions on the size of the council. In other words, excellent candidates may join the council no matter how many members. If members are deemed unfit for their role on the council, they will be removed via majority vote. To bring this school into the future, I intend to thoroughly destroy its past."

Nagumo was making outlandish statements. Completely rewriting the works of past presidents. Creating an entirely new system that would affect everyone. Not just council members.

"A revolution is coming. Students with real ability in this school will rise to the top. Students without will fall. This school will be turned into a true meritocracy under my supervision. Please, give me everything you've got. I look forward to seeing what you can do."

The entire gymnasium was quiet for a moment after his announcement. But soon after all, the second-years roared in sheer delight at these changes. While most third-years and first-years could only digest this information.

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