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Made by:topsyturvy_turtely

It was the 31st of October and Sherlock and John were invited to a Halloween-party at Greg's place for tonight. John was in the kitchen making himself some tea and thought about what he could dress up as. Finally he admitted to himself, that he had no idea and asked, "Hey, Sherlock!", the detective was occupied investigating some chemicals with his microscope or something - John didn't know and really didn't care that much. "What should I be for Halloween?"

"Why?", Sherlock asked, not looking up.

"Because of Lestrade's party... he said we have to 'be' something for it, otherwise we are not allowed to go.", John sounded rather annoyed.

He observed Sherlock, who seemed very focused on his task. The detective didn't look up but he heard him whispering something. It sounded confusingly like, 'My boyfriend'. John was sure he misheard him.
"Excuse me?", John asked, to find out what he had actually said.

For a moment, John thought he saw something like panic in Sherlock. His body tensed and didn't make any movements for a for a short millisecond. But then he looked up, with his ice-cold eyes and explained matter-of-factly, "Well, homosexuality is still considered a 'sin' in certain societal groups. Some even punish you for it. That seems suitable enough for Halloween - 'the spooky season'."
He said the last few words with a great amount of sarcasm.

With a quick movement the great detective straightened up and looked him in the eye, "And since you're homophobic it fits as well", his gaze was intense, audacious.

"Wha- Why do you think- I am not homophobic!"

Still staring into John's eyes Sherlock countered, "Then prove it." John was unable to look away from the capturing eyes across the room. "Be my boyfriend for tonight."

The words sounded like a challenge - daring him to do something that is out of his comfort zone. John, who was not a man to turn down a challenge, straightened up, clenched his fists and held his chin up in the air. "Fine. Let's do it."

Sherlock nodded and focused on his experiments again. As John walked away with his now finished tea, he saw a little smirk playing on his friend's face. Probably just happy to have persuaded me to a challenge.


"Sherlock!", the detective heard his companion scream from the living room. "I need one of your white shirts!"

Not caring why, and to not waste time on this really important ash investigation, Sherlock just answered, "Closet."

He heard John walking into his bedroom, then saw him pass with a white button-up on its hanger, out of the corner of his eyes.

Later the doctor called, "Sherlock! Look what I did!"

Again Sherlock didn't wanna get up and said, "Looking!"

"No, come into the living room! It's for tonight!"

Sherlock furrowed his eyebrows. What is tonight? Oh, right! George's party! Suddenly Sherlock's eyes widened at the memory of what he had suggested they should go as.

As quick as his face had showed shock, it turned back into a stone-cold expression. He sat up and smoothed down invisible folds on his shirt, then headed into the living room.

"What is it, Joh-"

He saw what John had done: his once perfectly white shirt now had a rainbow-colored front pocket. Apparently John had also sacrificed one of his cotton-jumpers and colored a rainbow flag on the same spot as where Sherlock's colorful statement could be seen.

John grinned proudly at him, "See? Rainbows! Not homophobic!"

"Everyone could do that, John. This doesn't prove anything."

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