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Made by:cavedwellingfangirl

John stood nervously in the bedroom. He looked in the mirror as he finished putting on his uniform. He hadn't been sure of anything before and he still wasn't even positive that he was right but he was pretty damn sure that Sherlock liked him too. There had been moments when John had suspected that Sherlock had feelings for him. The first day they met for instance. Sherlock didn't seem like one who tried to impress anyone and yet when John had walked into 221 B that first day, Sherlock had made a slight attempt to tidy up. There was of course the day they had been called in by the queen and Sherlock had been in just a sheet. John had asked Sherlock if he was wearing any pants and Sherlock had said no, his hand moving towards his cock as if he was trying to hide from John. Granted one of the bigger things had been when Sherlock said every girl loves a soldier instead of every girl loves a sailor but John had never been positive. Bloody hell, he still wasn't positive. He didn't understand how it was that Sherlock worked. The only thing John knew was that it had been a while since he had felt this way for anyone.

"Sherlock," John called out, trying to hide the nerves that were burning through his body. No response came from Sherlock. "I guess I'll have to head over there," John muttered under his breath his nerves picking up as he marched out towards the living room. And then he saw the reason for the lack of response. There was Sherlock alright but he was laid out on the couch, in his mind palace although John couldn't see why since there was no case. Before John could say anything about it though, Sherlock spoke.

"John, I have reason to believe that you are currently wearing your uniform which is why I'm going to keep my eyes closed."

"How did you," John began but Sherlock cut him off.

"You were in the room for ten minutes which is longer than it ever takes you to change and less time then what you normally take when you masturbate," Sherlock began making John blush. "Not only that but there was a lot of moving around in your closet meaning that you were looking for something that you don't wear often and is buried somewhere in the back of your closet. Aside from that your footfalls were distinctly those of when you wear the shoes issued to you by the military. Now seeing as how there is no major event today and no particular military event either, I figured you'd finally picked up the clues I had been leaving you of my interest in being with you. However, before I see you and I change into who I am, you must know. I do not partake in regular sex."

John's brain pulsed overtime with the overflow of new information that Sherlock had dropped on him. But one thing was sticking out in John's mind, "What kind of sex do you partake in?"

"BDSM. I know that you in particular are more of a vanilla sex type of person. Now I'm willing to teach you and to work with you but I would need your signed consent. The papers are on the table, you have to decide however what you are against and what you are okay with me doing to you. The other thing is, you would have to be my submissive since I am a dominant person.

John took in a deep breath. He knew Sherlock figured out a lot of things and that he was a truly smart guy but he still never expected him to be a BDSM type of man. He went and looked over the paperwork. Bloody hell. Sherlock was not lying. John turned and looked at Sherlock who still hadn't moved though his pale skin was clearly flushed. "And what if I'm open to try anything at least once and then decide?" John asked. That brought out a reaction in Sherlock who visibly twitched and opened his eyes wide.

John felt glued in place as Sherlock's eyes slowly ran over him intently, taking in every curve and arch of John's body in the military uniform being a typical soldier. "Sign first," Sherlock barely managed to rasp out.

The words went straight to John's cock and he felt it begin to harden slightly as he bent over to sign. As soon as he put the pen down he felt Sherlock's mouth tracing lines down John's throat. Sherlock placed his body flush against John and forcefully gripped his cock.

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